"Please tell me that's not 'him' around the corner" I whispered in Nathan's ear.
"I can't tell you that" he responded.
I gave Nathan a look of disappointment, then I looked around the corner and saw Jonas sitting on the ground with tears falling down his cheeks. I held out my hand for him and I pulled him up into a hug. He was melting into the hug, just crying his eyes out. I mouthed to Nathan to go inside and let me talk to him. He agreed, went inside, and shut the door behind him.
"Hey" I whispered pulling him out of the hug.
He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, his ocean blue eyes that I could always get lost in.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry" he choked between cries.
"Jonas come here" I said holding out my hand. We walked to the park and sat on the swings. I texted Nathan to let him know where we were.
"Why'd you do it" I asked Jonas.
"I don't know, she just c-caught me by surprise. And I thought she was a-actually nice, but she just wanted me for my f-fame" he said calming down.
"I'm sorry Jonas" i said staring at my feet.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you, even after everything you did for me" he said letting a tear slide down his cheek.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm over it" I said getting up. "Let's go back to the house".
He nodded and got up. It was silent all the way back to the house, except for Jonas's sniffling.
"Stop crying dork" I said holding his hand, but the fireworks were gone. No connection.
He chuckled and squeezed my hand.
We made it back to the house and I hugged him one more time before we walked back inside to see Nathan asleep on the couch.
We looked at each other and I tiptoed to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of freezing cold water and went back over to Nathan, who was lightly snoring. I took a second to admire how cute he looked, before I checked to make sure Jonas was recording. I nodded at him, and dumped the water on Nathan's head.
He screamed and sat straight up.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU GUYS" he yelled chasing us around the house.
I ran up to my room when he was chasing Jonas, sat on my bed, and went through Instagram. About five minutes went by, and I hadn't looked up from my phone the whole time. I looked up , and Nathan was in my room, just staring at me. I didn't notice that I was smiling at my phone while watching one of his videos. My back was turned to the point where so he could see my phone and my face. He could tell I was smiling.
He sat down next to me on the bed and grabbed my phone.
"Why look at me in a video when you could see me in person?" he smiled.
I just smiled, kissed his cheek, and ran downstairs to see Jonas sitting on the counter eating a sandwich. I gave him a weird look and all he said was "What? Can't a rat eat a sandwich on the counter in peace?"
"Shush rat" I laughed.
The rest of the day we hung out, watched movies, and went skating around the town. But, Nathan can't skate. Which is, the funniest thing.
I gave Nathan my penny board to skate with, and I used my regular board. Jonas had brought his penny board from his house so we all went skating.
Me and Jonas both got on our boards while Nathan was staring at us blankly.
"Can you not skate?" Jonas and I asked him.
He blushed and I rode over to him, got off my board and grabbed his hand.
I slowly taught him how to skate and Jonas ended up getting a really cute picture of us.
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He posted it on Instagram and captioned it "New fav ship 😍"
I saw it and blushed at Nathan.
"What?" he smiled.
I showed him the picture and he turned around to see Jonas smiling evilly.
He just laughed, grabbed my hand and kept on skating.
After a while, we got tired and decided to go to walk around some stores.
We went to Starbucks, Walmart (Because who doesn't like Walmart), and Aeropostale. We didn't really get anything, but Nathan got a really cute picture of me.
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(Just pretend she's in her bday outfit)
We went back home after a little more skating, and we went up to my room.
"We gotta go, and Jonas has to go back to his hotel. So I'll text you later okay bbg?" Nathan giggled.
"Ookay" I said frowning.
We said our goodbyes and Nathan kissed me on the cheek before they left.
"Happy Birthday!" they both yelled before they got into Nathan's car, and drove away.
My dad got home shortly after they left, and wished me a Happy Birthday. We ordered pizza, and ate dinner. Then I went up to my room to go to bed.
Before I fell asleep, I texted Nathan.
*Nathan's texts*
K- Thank you for today, and thank you for bringing Jonas. I love you bby nathan. ♥
N- Anything for you bbg K. Just please don't leave me for Jonas again. I don't want to lose what we have.
K- I won't I promise. goodnight bestfriend
N- goodnight princess ♥
*End of texts*
God I love him so much. He's perfect, and he's my best friend.