Chapter 14

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Ugh, another day.

I shut off my alarm and got out of bed. I don't want to go to school but I have to. But wait, I'm still at... NATHANS?! What the actual frick.

"NATHAN" I screamed.

Nathan came rushing in the room and gave me a worried look. I need an explanation and I need it now. I'm supposed to be home and getting ready for school, not at Nathans.

"Why the heck am I here" I asked him. "I need answers".

"Damn, someone's on their period" Jonas said jokingly as he walked out of the bathroom. "It"s a privilege to be wearing my clothes ya know".

I started blushing and looked down at his shirt. I was wearing the shirt that I said was my favorite on him. I remembered that I asked Jonas last night for some clothes to wear to bed. I just slept in the pair of joggers that Nathan bought me and my favorite out of all of Jonas's shirts. Ugh, why are all of his shirts so soft.

"You look cuter in your clothes than I do" I smirked.

"No, you look adorable in them. I don't know how you look better in my clothes than I do" he said walking over to me. He sat next to me and kissed my cheek. "Your not going to school today, because we don't want you getting hurt again" he said.

"Jonas, how am I supposed to ever prove to him that I'm alright unless I go to school and show him I'm fine?" I asked him.

He just sat there and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm going to school. And you can't stop me." I said getting up. Nathan walked out of the room. As soon as I got up, Jonas automatically tackled me back onto the bed.

"No" he said laughing.

Jonas and I sat up and locked eyes. Damn. His eyes are so blue. Whenever I look into them I just feel like I'm drowning. I can't move. I can't speak. I can barely breathe.

Just be mine already, goddamn.


When I stare into Kairi's eyes, I just imagine us together. But the problem between me and her being together is asking her out. I just don't know how to. I need ideas. This needs to be perfect.

Damn, she's adorable. She gave me a cute smile and started blushing. She just looked away. I snapped out of my thoughts and just layed down on the bed with my hands over my face. How did I get so lucky to have her in my life. I really hope I don't screw this up.

"C'mon just for today" I begged. "Just stay home for one more day, we can go to the movies and make today great"

"Oooookayyy" she smiled.

"Oh, and I have another surprise for you" I said smirking.

I got up and handed her a bag. It had a pair of skinny jeans and a crop top in it.

(outfit below)

(outfit below)

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'He's My Weirdo' // Jonas Bridges FanficWhere stories live. Discover now