*Kairi's POV* Today is it, the first day that I'm performing on tour. I stayed in Nathan's hotel room, which he shared with Simon. He's been acting strange ever since I've seen him again. I wonder what's going on with him? *Nathan's POV* Today's the day that Kairi joins tour, and the day that something big happens for "us". We say I love you, call eachother babe, bby, and I call her babygirl. I've called her that since the day she met me and Jonas at the park. *flashback* Jonas and Nathan brought me into a group hug and I cried. "Is this really happening" I cried into Jonas' shoulder. "What do you mean babygirl" Nathan said smiling. "Am I really hugging you guys" I said. *end of flashback* Today's finally the day that I'm gonna make it official, and public. *Kairi's POV* I woke up to Nathan screaming. Musicallys. Of course. I don't know what they were doing, and I didn't really want to know. I slept in Nathan's bed because we're best friends, and I don't really know Simon that well. I got up, grabbed my outfit for today, and went to go take a shower. "GOOD MORNING PRINCESSSSSS" Nathan yelled and banged on the door. I smiled and turned the water off in the shower. I got changed (outfit below) and did natural makeup, brushed my teeth, and straightened my hair.
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I walked out of the bathroom and Nathan was eyeing me down. "Well this is already a great birthday" he said smirking. "Shut up birthday boy" I said rolling my eyes. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek, "Happy Birthday bby nathan". "Thank you babygirl K" he blushed. "Hey, are you two lovers ready to go to the venue?" Simon interrupted. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said nervously. "Don't be nervous, you'll do great" Nathan smiled. I smiled back, grabbed my phone, my wallet, and walked out the door. Nathan grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Sparks.. fireworks.. every feeling I could ever have towards him came to the surface of my body. And I was ready for today's show. Just because of this dumb boy I followed on social media. At the venue We went in through the back with all the other Digi members. We had a quick run-through of what I was gonna sing, and then they let the girls with the 'Hang-out pass' in. All the girls dispersed between the members, but nobody came to me, so I just sat on the edge of the stage until one of the people at Nathan's group yelled "Hey! Is that Kairi over there!?". "Well yes it is" Nathan smiled, winking at me. I jumped down from the stage and took pictures with the girls that came over to me, now that they knew I was here. After about an hour, the meet & greet started. Nathan and I stood next to eachother in the line, and I have to say. I had so much fun. But one girl stood out, she hated my guts. She kept saying stuff to me like "Stay away from Nathan" or "You're so worthless, Nathan doesn't need you". It hit me hard. I recognized her, she had a fanpage for Nathan, and he talked about how loyal she was. He can't know about that. Once the show started, the boys played games, the girls did a dating game, and then I was up. It was my turn. "And now, is like to introduce someone new to the tour. My best friend, Kairi Hunter!" Nathan announced. The fans started screaming. I walked out and took the mic from Nathan. "Who says I'm your best friend" I smirked. "Oh really, you're gonna give me sass on my birthday?" He questioned me. I rolled my eyes and said "Whatever dork, get outta here". "EVERYONE SAY BYE NATHANN" I yelled. "BYEEEE" the fans all screamed. "Okay so, I'm gonna sing a song for you guys okay?" I smiled. They all screamed. I sang "Say you won't let go" by James Arthur. Aiming it towards Nathan. I said one more bye and got off stage, Nathan went back on, played a few more games. Then made an "important announcement". I was backstage when I heard Blake call my name. I walked over to him and looked at Nathan. Nathan smiled at me and continued talking. "I'd like to bring out Kairi to the stage again!" He yelled. Confused, I walked up stage and hugged him. "Now, Kairi here has been my best friend ever since she moved to Arkansas. Thanks to Jonas actually. And I'd just like to say..." he turned towards me "Kairi Hunter, I love you. And I know we say that all the time but I really mean it. I've liked you for so long, I just haven't had the guts to tell you. So I'd like to ask you... in front of my family..." he said pointing to the fans, they all screamed. "Will you.. Kairi Hunter, will you be my girlfriend?" he said, getting down on one knee. Blake ran out and gave me a microphone. "Get up and kiss me loser" I blushed. "So is that a yes?" He asked getting off of his knee. I searched the crowd for the girl from the m&g, I found her and she was giving me a dirty look. The crowd started chanting "Say yes, say he, say yes", "Of course" I smiled looking back at him. He walked up to me, leaned in, and his lips smashed on mine. Fireworks exploded in my mind, butterflies were flying everywhere in my stomach. I was so happy. "So yeah, this is my girlfriend guys" Nathan said to the crowd, trying to act cool. I could tell he was freaking out inside. He wanted to get off stage just so he could freak out. "WELL THANK YOU GUYS FOR A GREAT SHOW, YOU ARE ALL WORTH IT, AND THE WHOLE DIGIFAM LOVES YOUUU" He yelled before we ran off stage, hand in hand. He's finally mine. Holy shit. I'm dating Nathan Triska. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yoyoyyoyoyyooooooo I have a ton of ideas, so expect a lot of chapters coming soon.