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Jason normally didn't like to wonder away but figuring that the Legion was almost fully assembled he thought Reyna could make it by herself from here. As soon as they reentered the praetorian gates he booked it for the Barracks. Each barrack was about 50 feet long and 30 feet wide, large enough to hold about 50 legionaries. On the outside of each building was a giant SPQR with a gold laurel wreath around it. Over top of the gold writing was a faint purple numeral ranging from I-V. I and III were on the left side of the road, II and IV were on the right. At the very end smack dab in the middle of the trail was barrack V. This was Jason's home for the last nine years, Cohort five. The fifth cohort was regarded as the lamest, weakest, most loserish cohort available. Ever since the fifth was charged with losing the Roman Standard in Alaska that one time, they would always be the scape goat. Jason however was determined to change that. He knew that it was a risk when he was claimed by Jupiter and chose fifth as his cohort but he hoped that decision would be one to pay off. As he entered into the barrack he was surprised to find he was not the only one in there. Gwen was still strapping on her armor looking flustered as she tried and tried but could not get the buckle to fit into the strap. Jason strode over to his bunk which he shared with Dakota son of Bacchus, and he opened his trunk at the foot of the bed and pulled out his imperial gold helmet and chain mail. "This isn't good" he said to Gwen his fellow centurion. "What?" she asked still struggling with fastening the last bit of her armor. "Well if fifth doesn't have either of its centurions when role call begins Telemachus is going to have both of our heads." At this remark Gwen laughed. She finished her last minute check and grabbed her helmet off her own bunk. "Only your head Grace." She smirked as she left the room. Jason followed her with his eyes as the door swung open he saw what looked to be mass panic and so as he finished with his suiting up he prepared for the worst.

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