Copyright and stuff about Fishnarts

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*explanation about Fishnarts must be read*

¤ Copyright:
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © AyaJ989
2019 Copyright © AyaJ989
Copyrighted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and description/summary. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling any of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

This work is all fiction.

¤ This is important:
First, I want you to know that Fishnarts are from my imagination. I created them. This is copyrighted, so if I see another Fishnart on another book, or anything that is similar to a Fishnart, I will use the law againts you.

¤ Second, I know, you probably saying Fishnarts are stupid, who'd want to steal a stupid idea , just know that I'm proud of coming up with it, and instead of judging my idea, go come up with one and if you did, and it turned out to be better than mine, then you're more than welcomed to slap me with it.

|¤| Again. This is copyrighted.

\¤|¤/ Okay, now, I tried to draw them and show you how I imagine Fishnarts:

 *THESE pics are old, I took them with my old crappy phone, plus I drew these when I barely knew how to shade. I'll make better ones in the future*

 I'll make better ones in the future*

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*I am deeply sorry about the quality but this is the life of a poor hopeful teen*

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*I am deeply sorry about the quality but this is the life of a poor hopeful teen*

Sorry, I'm really not good with colors, I wanted their skin to be vomit green... gross, I know, but just imagine their skin's color to be vomit green.

But I'll try to draw it with colors later.

¤ About Fishnarts: Fishnarts are creatures that appeared year 2030 when they attacked the Earth, their purpose wasn't known and still isn't. Humans were losing, so the elves, vampires and werewolves stepped out and fought alongside the humans. Eventually, a truce was the only option, the truce was that the Fishnarts can visit the Earth anytime they want, and in exchange they will not harm the creatures of Earth(Humans, elves, vampires and werewolves). Then, five years later, the Fishnarts broke the truce and started to turn humans and vampires into Fishnarts. The elves, vampires, humans and werewolves tried to prevent their doings, but they never succeeded, so they gave up. Fishnarts are believed that they came from outer space, but it is still unknown, some say they came from underwater, some say they came from Mars and others say they always lived in-between humans. No one knows, and no one was ever able to find out. Fishnarts have a skin that looked like a fish's skin, only it had larger squares, harder touch and thicker layer than a Fish's, their body built looked like an alien's, they have long necks, large shoulders, tall arms, small waist, thick thighs, tall legs, huge feet, and short back. As for their face's features, they have wide forehead, small eyes that have the same color as their skin, pointy bone cheeks, small nose, thin lips, small chin, wide jaw and no ears. They don't have hair, they don't have teeth except for two fangs that keep their poison, they don't have a beating heart or a heart at all, they don't have emotions. They are fast, as fast as vampires, they are smart, they are sharp in everything, they are strong and they are tall. They can fly, they can smell your scent from a long distance and they can locate you if you don't keep moving. They are almost undefeated. No one knows what their weakness is, if they had one anyway. Fishnarts are dangerous, they can't be softened. As for the humans and vampires that get turned into a Fishnart, for appearance only their skin turns to a Fishnart's, as well as their eyes color, and they grow little wings, for the inside, the poison melts their heart as well as their nerves, it turns their blood to blue, and it makes them more dangerous than the original Fishnarts. The purpose of Fishnarts coming down on Earth and snatching humans and vampires will be revealed in the story.

Now, please enjoy the journey that Niall and Elina will go through and let's see who wins.

*YO I've had this idea since like 2016, never wrote it bc I was scared as hell*


This book contains cursing, so if you're disgusted by that language, I'm deeply sorry because you're missing out on a great book.

there's NO sex scenes, I do not write those nor do I read them in other books bc hellooooo fucking disgusting it makes me want to puke. Of course this me, it shouldn't be you too, I'm the weird one, not you.

Tho, there will be kissing scenes and those feeling up scenes, but NOT the intimate ones.

alright now, super scared yall I swear, and I might enter it in the Wattys but i'm scared as hell

I love u.

Aya J.

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