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13th September 2038

I tightly pursed my lips as I balled my hands to stop them from shaking. My eyes were spilling tears as if it was a waterfall. The screams of my parents downstairs only got louder.

My-five-year old self knew what that was, who they were and what would happen. My father told me all about them. He told me they had attacked Earth three years before I was born, the Elves made a truce with them, but they broke it year 2035, two years after I was born. I was trained, as well as every other human, vampire, werewolf, and elf. They taught us what to do when the Fishnarts attack.

My father told me that if Fishnarts attacked our house, I should hide under my bed and wait for when their screams stop, then I should jump from my window and run to uncle Jessie's house which was right next to ours. They had a hiding place under their house that was surrounded by elf's blood. Elf's blood disinterested the Fishnarts and drove them away. The reason why my father said to wait till their screams stop, was that the Fishnarts would be too distracted by them and won't pick up my movement.

I was shaking too much. I couldn't keep quiet enough. Next thing I heard besides the screams of my parents, the staircase's wood squeezing, which meant that someone was going up. My eyes widened as I was about to lose my control over my cries.

The footsteps were getting near my door until they stopped right in front of it. I stopped shaking and crying as I realized that my end was coming too.

That was until my arm was grabbed lightly. I looked to my left and was ready to scream. A guy was holding his finger up near his lips, indicating to keep quiet. He slowly pulled me out from under my bed and held me to his chest. He quietly backed away from my door and towards the window. He reached it the second the knob of my door was being turned for the door to open. I buried my face into the man's neck and prayed to God to save me, him, mom and dad.

The guy jumped gracefully without making a single sound and at that exact moment, my door was opened. The man landed on the ground and immediately took off running to uncle Jessie's house.

He rounded the house and reached the outside door of the hiding place and put me down. Then, he ran away. I quickly opened the door with the key uncle Jessie once gave me and ran down to another door.

I knocked three times and the door was opened by aunt Jane. She engulfed me in her arms and closed the door behind us.

"Honey, are you alright?" She asked, tears falling down her face.

My lips trembled as I nodded. "But mommy and daddy.".

She sobbed. Uncle Jessie came in from another door that leads to another room. He crouched down to my level and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, kid." He said.


25 November 2049

"Elina, can you answer that question?" My friend, Miliana, said as she showed me her Math's book.

I gave her a look which she returned with a pout. "Don't you ever pay attention to class, Miliana?".

She groaned. "Even if I did, I would understand nothing.".

I chuckled and took a pencil and started solving the question that she found hard. "It's pretty easy if you focus and stop thinking about Mike, Miliana.".

My other friend, Liza, came and sat down at the desk behind Miliana. She was frowning and drinking what looked like coffee, which only meant one thing, she had a fight with her boyfriend. Her black long hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her grey eyes were frowning and staring at nothing in particular. Miliana grabbed her textbook from between my hands and put it back in her bag.

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