Chapter Eight

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I looked around me in panic, trying to find any sort of contour, but couldn't see anything. My mind was unable to think or recollect anything. I couldn't feel my body as well. If this was the other life... it sucked for me. 

"Don't move," a voice wandered through my foggy and numb mind.


"You've broken your ribs, back, left arm and your legs-" The soft, delicate voice said, but I cut it off.

"Man," I whined, "I can't move in my other life."

"What?" the soft angel said. "Other life?"

"I'm dead and paralyzed... I feel kinda hazy too," I whispered, unable to get my voice louder.

I was sad that I had died.

'Wait, why did I die?' I thought as I tried to evoke... anything. Anything that might remind me of me.

"Oh, you're not dead," The angel chuckled.

Just then, I came alert to my heart... it was beating. "I didn't..."

This was almost unbelievable, I was sure I was dead -no matter why I died or who I was-, my mind was convinced that I was dead. 

"You're alive and healthy, I was about to tell you that I've healed your broken bones, but it will be a while to gain strength, I give it three hours tops," it- she said. The voice belonged to a female.

"Where are my eyes?" I asked hazily. "I can't see anything."

She softly chuckled. "That's because you have them closed."

Right when she said that, I pried them open. My mind was so hazy and unable to think. What I saw in front of me was the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. It was a female. 'She's definitely an angel.' I thought as I stared at her in awe. Curly, thick and long red hair fell to her thighs. Her oval face was dusted amazingly with tiny freckles, and her eyes were as black as the night sky. She looked so amazing I believed I was dead.

"I'm Star," she said with her velvet voice. 

"You for sure are," I said before I could hold back the words.

She laughed. "What's your name?" She asked, her eyes glinting.

"I don't know," I said, perplexed, I couldn't remember what was my name.

She softly smiled. "Ahh, I forgot, my magic has a short side effect. You're gonna feel hazy for a bit. Don't worry, you didn't hit your head, I saved it and saved your right arm, unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to save you whole. I am deeply guilty, I'm so sorry."

"You saved me," I said as I stared at her. "I'm not dead, I'm alive."

I wasn't sure why I needed saving, but it seemed that I was in a dangerous situation.

'What happened to me?' I thought.

"Yes, thankfully, you are," Star said, her eyes glinting.

"This is so weird," I susurrated, as I started to regain my memory bit by bit.

A flash of me standing on a cliff and looking down at the scary ocean popped up in my head. I was running from something. Though something was missing, I just felt like something was missing, an ache in my heart made me suspect that. Why was my heart aching? What or who was it aching for? 

"Don't think too much," her soft voice brought me back to my senses. 

I could feel my arms again. I lifted my left one to test it and It was okay. 'What am I doing? Stop this, Elina!' I thought to myself as I squinted my eyes. Then, it hit me like a rock. 

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