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( Winners in A/N )




"Are you sure your alright?" I ask Analeigh for what seems like the millionth time. I can't help it seeing her like that if just the worst. And I just want her to be alright, and safe. Yeah, I mean I'm sort of used to it but that doesn't means he ever will be. And I just want her to get up and leave because she can't handle all of this that is going on.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But could you pass me a Aspirin I have a headache." She smiles timidly, slowly starting to unpack her belongings. I search through my bad and grab an aspirin I could use one as well all that screaming made my head pound.

"Here you are babe." I hand her a glass of water and the pill she most definitely needed. Placing myself next on the bed next to her suitcase I watch her careful swift movement manage to place her items where they are suppose to be. I mean she's so organized and me I just threw my shit in the corner not even bothering to take a second glance to see if my items are alright.

She finishes and paces her self around putting her suitcase under our bed. Yes, we are finally sharing a bed I had a word with Ms. Ross and she obliged.

"Come here." I motion her towards me, she looks a bit timid but makes her way over. I grab both her hands and pull her in between my legs. "Are you sure your alright?" I ask again, she takes her gaze from the ground and fixes it on me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She smiles, but It doesn't reach her eyes. I know she's frightened but she just doesn't want to show me in anyway.

"Your shit at lying." I chuckle kissing the back of her palm. The corners of her mouth twitch up into a smile and she giggles nuzzling herself in the crook of my neck. "You know I'm just asking because I care, and want you to be alright, right."

"Yeah. I know." She mutters, hugging me closer, the aroma of her perfume lingers and I'm intoxicated with her sweet sent.

"So, just tell me babe. You know you can." I want to know whats wrong, this isn't the first time this has happened, its was sort it was sort of similar to how she acted In Sweden.

"I know... Its just that I have terrible anxiety attacks. And that's pretty much it. Its stupid I know." She sighs, but its not stupid.

"No its not, that's a big deal. And I'm glad you told me, now I can help you and try to get you out of situations like that."

"Luke, you don't have to do that. I'll be fine." She mutters, standing up and moving a step back.

"No I don't want that happening to you ever again, I just want you to be okay."

"I will Luke don't worry about it, I'm learning how to deal with it." She groans frustratingly, pacing back and forth.

"But I want to help prevent it."

"Luke. Stop it. I don't need extra protection are need to be evacuated from a fucking vehicle just to make it inside. I signed up for this, I can handle it."

I hope we're not having a fucking argument over her safety.

"Really, you can because after what I just saw. You couldn't you were breathing with a fucking paper bag. And it wasn't the first time." I say low managing to keep my voice, or else I'm going to flip my fucking lid.

"I'm not having this conversation if we're going to argue." She mumbles, making her way to the couch and turning on the TV to tune me out.

"I know what your doing." She's ignoring me now, fuck. She's so stubborn.

"Yeah, and what is that?" She says sarcastically. Great just fucking perfect. And so incredibly sexy when she's mad.



Oh, so now we're playing this game.

I get up from my seating position and  make my way towards the TV turning it off.

"Analeigh we aren't finished talking." I sigh, taking a seat next to her.

"Well I am."

"Listen to me." I cup her face and big it closer so that she's facing me. "I'm just making sure your taken care of, because I care about you a lot. And I just want you to know that, and it means a lot to me to make sure your okay."

I watch as her facial expression softens, her lips making their way to connect to mine. The warmth they leave once released. "I know, but I don't need the extra protection. I don't want to  have to be separated from you whenever we leave somewhere. I just want to be with you." She whispers, kissing me once again.

She's amazing, simply amazing. She just so wonderful and I can't find any other words to describe her. I'm continuing to fall. I'm in love.

"Your amazingly adorable, do you know that?" I chuckle kissing her upon her cheek.

"Yeah." She giggles, I take her onto my lap and began tickling her. Hearing her hysteric giggles begging for me to stop.

"Luke!" She squeals, squirming around from my overbearing tickling power. I obey and stop, to hear her panting and still chuckling.

"Your so stubborn as well." I chuckles, pulling her onto my lap.

"Yeah, I know my mom tells me that quite a bit." She smirks, brushing her fingers through my wild hair.

"I can see why." I chuckle reciving a smack in the arm from her. I playfully carress my arm, causing her to giggle.

"I love when you laugh." I smile, coneccting my lips to hers. I really want to take her out tonight, I know that we barely got here but I just want to spend some quality time with her out in the open so she can explore England.

"Go get ready." I smile, reciving a confused facial expression from Analeigh.

"Why? Where're we going?"



(A/N)     Hey there. :)

I'm going to make this short, I need to get off. :P The winners are... @wtfhipsters and @im_a_dorito_girl

So, tell me what you think.

Vote, Comment, All that good stuff.

I don't have anymore Ideas for Contest, :P SO you can ask me some Questions I guess. :)

Don't be shy.  Did you all see the "Awkwards Shopping Situations." Poor Beau almost Broke his leg :/ Stupid Old Bitch  (To the side ----> )

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