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( Fuck, hey guys.. I just want to start off with an Apology! It feels like forever yeah I know. But Seriously, I'm so Busy with all my Drama plays.. It like Exhausting and I've already had like Seven performances, and I have a Shit Load of Homework for missing school.

 I have Updated "Lust" but that's because its new and I don't have to think as much about it. And HFL takes a whole lot of thinking.

Anyways if this Chapter is shit... Be patient, and Ignore the Errors.

Happy reading. :) )


 * * * * *


Do you ever have moments when you realize everything is going so right, that something bad is going to happen? That eerie feeling, lurking around deep inside you. Not knowing when something bad is going to strike, and everything you once had slowly gets taken away.

That's how I'm feeling now.

"Hey, Ana. Baby are you alright?" Am I alright, because I feel as if something horrible is going to happen, and I won't be able to stop it.

Cautiously I sit up, watching Luke slowly examining me. "Yeah, just a nightmare. I think." I hope.

Luke, watches me taking in my facial expression. "Come here, babe." He snakes his arm around my waist pulling me closer against him, his chest hitting my back. The slow rhythm of our breathing being the only noise.

"Its okay, everything will be alright. I promise." He places an honest kiss to the nape of my neck, bringing me closer against him.

Everything will be alright.

Will they? Because the knots in my stomach are telling me otherwise.

* * * * *

I did not sleep, I couldn't. Thoughts were crowding me and refused to let me drift away. I've texted Annie, and my mom all night. And they seem fine. But why doesn't anything feel right.

This morning I paced around the Lobby receiving weird glances,  leaving Luke to sleep. He has a show tonight, its our last night before we fly off to Australia. They seem so excited, but I feel so anxious.

"Analeigh." A voice booms, and I flinch causing myself to fall back. I hesitantly look up seeing a very concerned Beau. "Shit sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He leads out his hand and I firmly grasp it, him pulling me up.

"No its fine I'm just a bit Jumpy. I think." I mutter, trying to figure out why. Beau looks at me very intently, then meets my eyes.


"I honestly don't know." I whisper, trying to piece everything together.

"Oh, well Luke is looking for you. And I suggest you go now he's searching like a mad man." He chuckles, beginning to walk and I closing follow behind.

We walk back to, Jai's and James' room seeing a very weary Luke.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't know where she is?" He shouts seeing a very annoyed James.

"How am I suppose to know, I don't have a fucking tracking device placed in her." Jai retorts, throwing a pillow at the distressed Luke.

Jai's eyes meet mine and he seems very annoyed, but amused at the same time. Beau too his eyes squint as he continues to laugh silently.

"Oi! Princess Analeigh's back." Luke's head snaps towards mine, and he practically sprints towards me wrapping his arms around my waist. All eyes on us, Beau chuckles and Jai rolls his eyes.

"Luke's a cunt." Jai coughs trying to cover what he said up. Receiving the bird from Luke.

"Where were you?" Luke whispers, kissing the side of my cheek. Causing the familiar ting of blood rise to the surface of my cheeks.

"Just out walking, thinking."

"Probably thinking about how psycho, and short tempered you really are." James chimes, sending a high five towards Jai.

"Fuck off." Luke diverts his attention back to me, and grabs a hold of my hand pulling me out of the room, us making out way down the hallway towards our room.

He sticks the key card through the slot, as we enter the warm filled room.

"Is everything alright? You seem a bit off." He grabs ahold of my hand pulling me to the bed, as I take a seat.

"I am, I really don't understand the reason for it. I feel more Jumpy, and like something bad is going to happen for some unknown reason. Its making me get this anxious eerie feeling." I say truthfully staring down at my hands, who are being caressed by Luke.

He takes a moment before, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I promise everything will be alright." He speaks softly, tilting my chin to face him. The corners of my eyes getting moist.

"You really don't know that." I whisper.

"Look at me." I slowly raise my eyes, connecting my gaze to him.

"I promise, you'll be alright. And your family will too."

Maybe he's right, maybe I am overreacting and being paranoid. I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing. Everything's perfectly fine.

How do you know.

I don't know but it has to it just had to. Luke wipes away the tears that I didn't even know were present. "Your right, everything is just fine." I whisper, trying to convince myself. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring him closer. Kissing him, he's slightly taken aback but warms up to the idea slowly moving his lips passionately in sync.

The annoying ring-tone to my phone goes off, causing us to split apart. "Shit, sorry." I apologize, sending a weak smile to the boy in front of me.

"I kind of ruined the moment." I chuckle, looking over to my phone. Which Luke is now holding.

He looks down at it then back at me. Showing me the Caller I.D.

"Its your mum."


Kay don't kill me. I'm not to happy about this chapter. :|

But anyways.

Vote, Comment. All that good Stuff!

I will be Updating next week. When the play is over and DONE with.

So have a good Day/Night.

Okay so I'm going to Rant: Have you all noticed how Fucking Amazing the FanFic story covers are turning out now a days. Like Seriously I'm impressed.

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