Talk To Me

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Stepping through the small doorway, I squeezed between the numerous people who were here to get drunk and high. I wasn't here to do that!

I was here to turn the fuck up!

But as I reached the kitchen I spotted the main person I came to see. Tyrus. And the lord above knows that caught alone with him, I can't guarantee my actions would be decent. I strolled over to the counter and stood across from him and poured myself a Fanta fruit twist in one of the thousands of red cups, making it seem as if I was completely oblivious to him in front of me.

I felt his eyes on me so I continued without saying anything and took a sip of my drink turning to walk away until I heard him shout my name over the loud music. I smirked sneakily and swivelled back around to him with the cup still at my lips. I gave a simple wave to tease him.

Leaning over the counter he smiled "So you're just gonna act like you didn't see me?" He caught my hand in his.

" I wasn't even paying attention, sorry" I brought the cup from my mouth and smiled back.

"How are you anyways, Miss Kia" he came around to where I stood leaning back against the counter.

"I'm good, you?" I said over the pumping music watching how his eyes flickered at me.

"Yeah, now you're here" he placed his fist and elevated thumb under my chin. My heart thumped hard in my chest.

Why does he have this hold over me?

"You're too much" I chuckled, blushing a little and shaking his hand from under my chin.

" don't speak too soon, you ain't seen all of me yet " his hand snaked over the granite to land on top of mine. My blush grew across my cheeks rapidly, letting him see my sudden shyness.

" come, everyone else is in the other room" He stepped back and grabbed my hand waking in the opposite direction, I just followed behind. We reached the front room where I spotted all of our mutual friends. Suddenly Laura, out of nowhere, sprung out and hugged me, then slowly pulled back to look at me. Not to my surprise, as I looked down I saw what she was looking at, we were, unfortunately, wearing the same playsuit! It was black lace with a minimal zip on the back and we bought them together, but what we failed to do was tell each other when we were going to wear them.

After around 3 minutes of staring intently at each other, we burst out laughing. My best friend and I had these moments a lot and all I could do was shove her playfully whilst rolling my eyes. The chuckling died down and I couldn't hold it in anymore "So the one day we don't check what each other are wearing, we turn up in the same damn outfit." she looked down at us and playfully mugged me.

"Well don't just stand here get someone to take a picture of us, my IG is dead, this will defo get it popping " she nudged me a bit, making her chuckle.

" But who?" I looked around and saw him looking at me, I mentally smirked.

" I'll take it !" Tyrus stood up and slid my phone out my back pocket, also grazing my ass a bit.

He got into position in front of us as Laura snaked her arm around my waist and I copied. We leaned out a bit to pose and were waiting for a queue for him to take the picture. "Smile," he said behind my massive iPhone. We heard it click and we moved towards him to see but he shooed us back.

"to finesse the gram you gotta take more than one" the low grumble in his voice killed me a little inside. We shuffled back into the little space and got into the same position. "And Kia, suck in your booty, don't need anyone looking at what's mine" he added looking for my reoccurring blush. Laura nudged me, signalling me to make a slick come back.

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