Best Friends Brother

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" And then he was like 'baby I don't play like that ' but I know he damn well does play like that, stupid " she announced.

I love her so much man, she is just too dope and that's why we are best friends. Me and Elisa have been best friends since high school and now we're 23 and still at it. When we're together we act like 13 yr olds, talking about boys and snap-chatting the most inessential things.

Right now it's winter in New York and as usual, what's better than to spend a cold winters night at your best friends house, snuggled up in a blanket and watching a film. Well trying to watch a film but chatting seems to be the main event.

" Well I think he is cute for you and whatever game he is playing, you should be playing to " I snickered cuddling closer to her.

" it's not that I don't like him but ... " she got cut off from the creaking of the stairs. We both turned our heads noticing Elisa's brother Tyrus walking into the front room.

" Hey ... oh wassup Kia, you good? " he hadn't realised I was here but when he did his arm came around my shoulder in a side hug.

" Hey Tyrus, I'm good, you?" I leaned back intrigued as he sat down on the arm of the chair

" you know what, I'm great ....really great," he said looking down at his palms.

I felt Elisa budge me a bit and stand up, letting the cold air under the blanket. I shivered as a result. She paced around him giving him a massive stare down. His eyes flickered back and forth frantically but E's were on him like a hawk.

" But your not are you, Ty, you see Kia, Ty got stood up again, and not by any girl but the one that's supposed to be his girlfriend " as soon as she finished he sighed out in frustration, shifting in his spot.

" Amber stood you up ?" I looked at him trying to find his eyes but due to his low expression we never met eyes.

" Wait for Girl, wait that's not even it, tell her the rest bro " Elisa tapped her foot vigorously against the wooden floors.

His head was in his heads so I knew what he would say next would be a bit muffled.

" This is not the first time, and she broke up with me again " he sighed again but this time louder and lower.

" Now what type of shit is that ?" She asked me, only realising that this was the first time he had locked eyes with me.

"Ty, you can't keep letting this girl walk all over you, you used to be so good with girls until you met Amber. Can't you see she isn't good for you? Come on Ty think "He seemed to melt as I spoke as if not even knowing how to defend his case.

You see Tyrus is everyone's dream man, the brown eyes, the dark skin tone, the tall stature, the long hair in braids and the body, oh his body was amazing, not too many muscles but just enough to look toned. He played a lot of sports in college and now studies to become a physical education teacher.

" We weren't even that committed but it's just annoying coz she told me I don't pleasure her enough. I know she isn't good for me but I need someone. I hate being single " he confessed shuffling his feet on the floor, contrasting the stamping his sister was performing previously.

"Ok well, don't you think you should date someone else who is a better fit for what you want in a girl ?" I stated. He nodded and stood up.

" I'll see, this dating thing is kinda hard for me, thanks though " he walked out and into the kitchen, I heard the fridge door open and that's when Elisa went off on her sisterly rant.


Week later.

Strolling up to Elisa's front door, I planted my feet on the mat and knocked on the door.

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