Hot Love

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The cab pulled up slowly on the driveway of our resort. It was called the Pearl and was covered in flowers and plants , it was truly beautiful !

My family and I had just touched down in Barbados and we're staying for 5 days , just to enjoy the foreign sun and to relax . I'm not really a heat person but my dad convinced me that it would be a 'different kind of heat' and also it was the 'nice and comfortable' weather . I beg to differ !

As soon as I stepped out of the stuffy cab , I breathed in the air only for it to burn all my nostril hairs with its fire like temperature. It was horrible and instantly my body reacted sending me into a dungeon of depression . Great ! Just great .

My mum came up behind me as if knowing and rubbed my arm softly, " it's gonna be ok sweetie , you'll get used to it and you'll enjoy it . Just relax " I tapped her hand hard as a warning .

" if you say so " I was in an unremovable mood .

" I just wanna go home " stepping towards my sister and looking over the balcony into the pool area . Ciara turned to me ,

" well we can't , just think of how fun it will be . You and I in a our own room , our own bathroom and we can do basically what we want " she nudged me making me smile . My 23 yr old sister was the only one who made me smile that much and could bring me out of my mood.

" ok " I smiled nudging her back.

We talked a little while longer until we heard the rumble of an engine which made us all turn around . Another car had pulled up and another family slowly emerged from the vehicle . But when I looked closer at the right-hand side of the car I saw a sight that's made my heart skip a beat .

A caramel looking boy stepped out and smiled right at me . I blushed a little and took in his beauty . He had curly hair with a fade , long legs and slim toned body . He was wearing a plain black t-shirtt , some green cargo shorts and white leather converse . He was bloody hot .

Eventually pulling my eyes away from him , I transfixed myself in the other members of his family . His parents and his baby brother... Who actually was running this way right now .

The little boy , of the same sort of complexion as the sexy one , toddled towards me and smiled widely . He had the most beautiful and cheeky grin I have ever seen, I knelt down

" hey cutie , what's your name ?" I pinched his red cheeks softly making him jump up and down .

" A-a I'm Albi" he giggled touching my lips . I stretched out to shake his hand but he launched towards me in a hug , clinging to my jersey

" Hi Albi " he pulled away looking in my eyes

." I'm hungry " he rubbed his belly dramatically making me laugh, so I went to pull out a lollipop from my bag of travel snacks . Whilst retrieving it I looked to see where both mine and his families were . Not insight I thought to just keep an eye on Albi until they returned . Focusing on the small figure clinging to my knee , I picked out four different flavours. Turning back to him I arranged them in my palm .

" I have strawberry , Apple , black currant or cola . Which one do you want sweetie ?" His eyes lit up and he started scanning the colours .

" Starbury please" I handed him the red wrapped lolly and led him towards the bench so he could sit and eat it .

But as we made out way to it he was scooped from the floor and my side.

I gasped as the figure spoke" There you are , I've been looking all over for you man ! You know you ain't supposed to go with strangers ." I turned to see his hot brother again , holding Albi high in the air , shaking him playfully .

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