My Knight

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" Why don't you love me, I need you, we have children, what is your reason?" My mother screamed at Dad. He crouched down, slowly sliding against the wall.

" Why do we always fight? And to top it off in front of our child ?" He gestured to me as I pretended to watch the tv in silence. Not even Spongebob could save me from listening. This has been going on for years since I was 12 years old, now I am 18 and still face this every day. I have no escape but Tyrus, my best friend. We kinda like each other so...he is more like a boyfriend. he doesn't know that I'm that serious about him, I believe he thinks it's just flirty banter. He is my life and soul though. I don't know what I would do without him, he takes me to another place where I feel free and only needs him. I can escape all this with my parents and chill with him who I know will care for me and listen to my sobs all day. I love him!

I pulled out my phone and dialled his number, hoping he would pick up quickly. Within one ring his low voice sounded through the small speaker " Hey, what you doing " I said nervously.

" Nothing, Kia I can already hear it in your voice so let's cut all this out. I'm literally around the corner I'm coming to pick you up " he sighed as I chuckled a little in disbelief at how much he knew me. I shuffled up the stairs past my parents and grabbed my Air Force and a couple items of clothing so I could stay over. I shoved my wash bag, PJs, two handfuls of underwear, an extra set of clothes and my phone charger into my mcm backpack I got as a 'We know how stressful this is for you ' presents and I jogged downstairs. 

Slowly walking over to my parents my mum stopped and looked at me confused ." Hey baby, where you going ?" Both of them stared at me.

" Tyrus is coming to pick me up, I know..." My dad cut me off. "Ok that's fine have fun sweetie" he kissed my cheek and forehead passing me to my mother. She squeezed me tight and pecked my cheek, pulling back and looking in my eyes 

."We love you, honey, you know that right ?" I nodded and heard the honk outside. I gestured to the door, smiling at them and stepped back from their gaze. I waved and walked out to Tyrus's beautiful chrome Mercedes. I popped the door open and jumped in, flopping my bag in the back seat. Looking back at the door, my heart sunk; I feel so bad for leaving them like that but I need to think of me and my stress levels too. I'm done thinking about the health of the people who cause pain!

I turned to him and hugged the shit out of him and then pulled back.
" Thanks for picking me up " I whispered, his hand already on top of mine. Turning my hand to my palm, I clutched his fingers tightly. 

" it's good ma, yo parents doing shit again ?" He raised his eyebrow in question as he leaned in. I nodded laying back on the leather seat. He hummed in understanding and began pulling off.

*#*#*At Tyrus's House #*#*#*

We were sitting in his room talking when I remembered something I should have asked ages ago " hey are your parents home, it's kinda rude if I don't say hi? " I shuffled pulling my legs out from under me. 

"Nah girl, they've gone away  for the weekend ." He smirked, fist-pumping the air. I chuckled, getting up slowly. He grabbed my waist and began tickling me at my sides which sent me into a fit of laughter and embarrassingly a snort. He hears this and stopped 

" what the fuck was that, was that a snort ?" He held his stomach belting out a giant laugh.

I blushed bright red as the embarrassment took over my face ."Well, it was the cutest noise I've ever heard, I should tickle you more often !" He breathed out, recovering from his laughing ache.

We returned to that comfortable silence until I was in need of being clean.
" can I take a shower ?" I asked grabbing my wash bag out my pack on the floor.

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