Just Gimme Some!

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Ever heard of cockblocking? Well, I'm sure you have but if not, it's the hindering by whatever means, the chances of another male from getting a sexual encounter with a female. So in simpler terms ruining a guy's chance to score some booty.

Get it ?!

Well, what if that happened for a girl. I mean it should be possible for a girl to be blocked from getting some wood? Pipe? Bone? Meat? Tool? Whatever you call it!

What about if there was no one to even ruin your chances of getting that good loving, that the only thing stopping you was each other?

Well, this is what happened to me :

"Baby" he shouted as he stepped through the door. My heart began to pound violently in my chest when I thought about him finally being home. I could already feel his smooth tongue on my neck and strong muscular arms around my waist. I imagined how his thick fingertips would caress my pussy with small circles. His lips grazing mine in a passionate embrace.

As you could probably tell by now, I was very horny. Like mega horny. I had messaged him at work that day, sending him dirty texts and sexy pictures of me with lingerie on. Today was my day off and after shopping and chores, I became incredibly sexually frustrated. Me and Tyrus hadn't done it in a while, not on purpose but we just haven't felt that erg in a while. But today is the day, I want it real bad. I want him real bad!

"Hey, baby, in here! " I directed him with my voice to the living room. It didn't take long for my perverted eyes to catch sight of him and the dirtiest of thoughts flooded my mind as he circled around the sofa to give me a kiss. When he leaned down to me, my eyes saw red and I dove into his face clasping it as if my life depended on it. His soft lips kissed mine as if pecking me and moving back.

Woah Woah, what do you think you're doing. Come back here and give me so more sugar.

I trapped him in my hands, with my arms around his neck. He looked at me weird as if I was crazy. I grabbed him closer and kissed his lips again, taking advantage of our closeness. I just wanted to smother myself on him. He lifted up, but I wasn't letting go so as he straightened out giving me a strange look as I clung to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled away, starting to kiss on his neck.

"Bae, what's up with you .. why you acting like this? " he put me down on the ground as I looked up at him intently.

"Nothing baby, I just want to show my boyfriend how much I love him " I put my arms back around his neck but also caressed the sides of his face, mainly the beard. One of his best features.

"Well maybe you could start by not hanging like a monkey from my neck " he pulled at my arms, not to take them away but to indicate which part of my body he was talking about.

"Well, I thought my messages today were particularly clear of what I wanted when you got home. " I rubbed harder, this time on his back, between his shoulder blades.

"Oh, so this is what all this is about. I just wanted an early night tonight baby." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly but I was not happy at all.

"But I want you to gimme some now. And I've been waiting all day?!" I began to stroke his chest hoping to convince him. To be completely honest, I didn't see why I should have to beg. But as soon as I touched him, he moved my hands down off his chest and back to my sides.

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