Give Me You

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The noise from outside the school gate always annoyed me because I knew that signalled the end of the day. Unlike most people, I didn't enjoy this part, which I know sounds crazy, buts it's due to the idea of jumping on public transport to get home. I have been sadly bound to the life of stinky, annoying school kids leaving my school that I study at, cramming onto the buses at the end of the road. And the moment I learn how to drive I will indeed leave this brutal life of waiting for the bus or train.

Luckily for me, I sometimes have the choice of getting dropped to school by my dad who hates public transport as much as I do. But if this isn't the case my best friends and I suffer the painful journey each day until one of us actually learns how to drive.

So making my way down the steps of the entrance to school  I noticed the usual lower years scrambling around with their turtle shells for bags on their backs. I'm not the nicest when it comes to them so I push past, onto the main road  to find a cute little spot in the corner near a fence which I lean on until my friends text me saying they are somewhere on the road too. I normally stand in this other spot where there is no one, but today it seemed overly crowded by other members of my year, all excitable and talkative about something.

I was too lazy to get up and walk over so I tried to peer from where I was at what was going on, which kind of failed due to it being a large crowd and who was I to think that I would be able to see through people.


When leaned I forward to see something which clearly wasn't working, my 3 friends must have snuck up behind me and scared me shitless.

"boo," they all screamed, basically falling to the floor with laughter as they remarked my shocked expression. I felt my chest tighten with anger as I glared at them through squinted eyes.

"you know I hate being scared, why are you like this?" I pushed all of them away as they tried to console me with hugs and kisses on the cheek.

Lara said, " I'm sorry boo, it's just funny" and behind her, Angela and Danielle were nodding vigorously.

"Well I didn't find it funny, watch when I do stuff to you that I know you don't like" I was joking really but I just wanted to see their reaction.

and when I realised that they weren't listening I also seemed to realise that I was the only one still standing there and that all 3 of them had left me to go and join the crowd of interesting people.

" if I wasn't going to go before, then why am I gonna go now ?" I thought to myself, but then seeing that it was probably the only reason a had an excuse to be nosey I walked over nonchalantly to see what the commotion was about.

As I got closer I could hear music playing and louder chatting and laughing. I peered over the shoulder of this boy from my year who I had no clue what his name was and stared into the distance at what everyone else seemed to be looking at. at the centre of the sporadic crowd, there was a black Mercedes coupe parked with the front 2 doors wide open, where I noticed people sitting in there while others leant on the open door and spoke to the people who were sitting inside. squeezing through the crowded wall, I took a quick glance to where my friends were and they were nowhere to be found. I was starting to get impatient with it all because I didn't see the big deal.

Someone probably got a new car or passed their driving test, Big deal.

Finally spotting them, around the back of the car where the boot was being opened, I trotted around happily, thinking of the sandwich I had waiting for me at home.

" Guys are you ready to go yet" my words got stuck in my mouth and I couldn't speak anymore. I promise I didn't know it was him because if I knew I probably would never have come around here. Sitting basically in the boot of the car, with legs spread wide apart and the widest smirk on his face, was Tyrus. The one and only love of my life. He continued to smile at me through cocky lips which breathed words which he knew only I would understand and I hated him for it.

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