Bodyguard 2

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It was around 12 pm when we went upstairs to go to bed , I was tired as hell and Tyrus thought it wouldn't be smart for us to fall asleep on the couch .When I got in my room , there was a blowup bed , blown up in the middle of my floor . I take it that , the bed was for Ty and that the fact that it was in my room meant he was sleeping in my room .I mean I didn't mind because my room is massive and I'm very lucky but if my dad wanted ty to sleep in here that's where he would put it , that's why it's here .After setting his duffel bag down outside he walked in behind me and stood over me . " so this where I'm sleeping " he pointed to the blown-up bed next to mine .

I nodded ."Ok cool well imma go and have a shower and get changed , you can use my bathroom and I will use my parents'. "He nodded and left .

After my shower, I had put on some cute little PJ shorts and a vest . I strolled into my bedroom happy , knowing I was fresh and clean , ready for bed .As I looked up after stepping foot on my carpet flooring , I notice Tyrus sitting shirtless in some shorts on the end of my bed and his feet resting in the blow-up bed .He was watching something intensely, therefore, giving me time to check him out a little . And what my eyes landed on first was his long structured torso . I mean no six-pack but a stern core was showing he looked after himself . There was no extra skin or disposition , everything was tight and perfect .Which made me realise , how perfect Tyrus actually was , I mean I couldn't think of anything bad to say about him . In fact, he was good looking, had a great job , fit and strong , caring.. the list goes on .

" hey , do you know what time it is ?" He looked at me with a cheeky smile.

I clicked the on button on my phone .it read "1:01" my jaw dropped , and he chuckled .I went and got in bed but not before turning off the main light and turning on the small lamp on my bedside table .Ty got off my bed and lay on the blow-up bed which squeak and growled as he moved on it .I had laid down and put my phone on charge to begin sleeping when I could still hear the sound of the blow-up bed ." can you please stop" I spoke

" I can't help it , I can't get comfortable " he squeaked .

" well then move up here , we will lay on each side " I shouted a little .

" you sure , I'm a big guy? " he smirked

"Yes I'm sure , you ain't that big and my bed is big enough for the both of us . "

"Ite cool , don't complain about anything when I get up there " he chuckled.

I felt a dip in the bed and felt him crawl to the top of the bed, towards me .For some reason, I felt a little weird with him up here with me . Not in a sexual way or anything ... well maybe .I rolled over to the other side making sure to keep myself on my side of the bed but suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me back ."Come here " he spoke in my neck .I laid there completely still .

" remember I used to do this when you weren't feeling well , mainly when you had stomach aches " he tickled my tummy making me scrunch up into a ball letting out a small scream.

I slapped his hands repeatedly to stop him as he tickled me to death . " stop! " I panted .He stopped and flipped me so my head lay on his chest . I snuggled inwards so my leg was wrapped on his ." I remember , and I used to wrap my leg around your body like this when I was cold for some reason . Good times"

" and no matter how many times you did it , I felt closer to you each time. I thought I was in love with you" he said looking down at me . I glanced up at him sighing , it wasn't that awkward this time but deffo the wrong timing.

" me too , but I didn't know what love was then" I traced something upon his chest

" I did , every time I saw you I just wanted to kiss you or show you how much I wanted you to be mine " he stared up at the ceiling which I assume helped him remember his thoughts

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