End & Start

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"Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero!"

The crowd was cheering.

Who would know that Zero was crying then though?

"I am here to bring Justice! And thus I killed this unfair tyrant !! Peace shall now befall us!! Let's forget about the wars and fight together for a peaceful world!"

I managed to say what Lelouch had ordered me to.

What unfair tyrant!? He was more fair than all. And he was a saviour not a tyrant!

Why do I have to say these lies!? Why!? Is this atonement too!?

"I, Zero, shall take ahold of Lelouch Vi Britannia's body and dispose of it in its rightful way!!"

Maybe it's too late. I know. But if I manage to save you without destroying your plan,then please live on with me!

Please let me be a little, just a little more selfish Lelouch.....

I want you here. By my side. The hell with the world already.... can't I just be a little happy!? Just a little!

I took ahold of his body and after taking him away from the crowd where noone would see us, I changed him in civilian clothes and was sure to cut them where his stabbing was.

Of course I tried to hurry as much as possible. Then I wore normal clothes and sunglasses. With a hood on I took Lelouch to a private doctor after I hid his face with a mask of sorts.

I tried to explain to the doctor I had found him like that and that if his face were to be known there would be a big scandal and thus persuaded him to keep Lelouch's mask on.

"This guy's heart has stopped. Even if I do try to bring him back it will be all too painful for him and the success rate is pretty slim."

"I do not mind. Please do whatever you can to keep him alive!!"

I was next to Lelouch when the doctor did his best to get his heart beating again....

"I did it!" I heard the doctor say after a full 10 minutes...

I jolted up to face Lelouch who had his eyes half opened....


Was all he said. Then he closed his eyes again. When I asked the doctor what was up he told me he had fallen in a comma......

I moved him to my new home. At the palace together with Nunally. Nunally told me she knew the truth, at first I was against pulling my mask off but she soon made me push my guards down...

Lelouch was sleeping in a locked room. Only I had the key.

It's been like this for 2 years.

2 long years..... It's still peaceful. The world Lelouch created is still here.

I always find myself in the locked room. Looking over Lelouch who is sleeping so soundly.....

"Will you ever wake up?" I keep asking the thin air.

Today is December 5 2020 atb.
Lelouch's birthday.

Like last year I came up at him wishing him Happy Birthday. A meedle wish for someone at his death bed but still I want to tell him.

Today would probably be the same as last year. No answer or thanks will come. Just the same silence...

Even so....

"Yo, Lelouch. It's December 5th you know!"

"I came again, maybe I am bothering? Or not?"

I keep asking the sleeping Lelouch meedle questions all the time. In hope he will hear something sometime....

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