Plans for the future

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Suzaku was serious about moving to Kaminejima. As soon as the sun was up the next day, he stood up abruptly-waking Lelouch too in the process-and begun dressing up.

"Where are you going so early in the morning?" Lelouch asked as he took a glance at the clock.

"I am gonna arrange things. Like the airships and what I could do with my work and things."

"Y-you were serious about going to Kaminejima?"

"Of course! Now I have to go. I will tell you the news tonight!"

Lelouch could only sigh as Suzaku exited the room...

Lelouch could only stare in space as he thought of everything. He didn't mind going there. Nor did he minded staying here though.

Now that he fully regained his memories he even wanted to stay close to Nunally. But he pushed that desire of his away. Nunally was old enough to manage herself and she has managed to stand alone for 3 whole years.

On the other hand Suzaku didn't seem like he would be okay if left alone now....

"I remember everything... That is why... I can't leave him alone..."

Lelouch mumbled in the dark.

He made up his determination on going to Kaminejima and living there with Suzaku. But before that he wanted to meet Nunally one more time. Not as a stranger but as her brother. He decided to request this of Suzaku before they left.

Suzaku came back that night looking as excited as ever. And Lelouch too, was excited to learn the outcome and Suzaku's decision.

"Everything is okay! We can leave in a week or so!"

Suzaku's smiling face drove away any tension that was still inside Lelouch.

"That is good news! Congrats!"

"Yep! Of course I will have to come back here sometimes in really important meetings or emergencies and things but I will always come back home to you there!"

"Haha meaning I will be becoming a housewife?"

"Oh are you against that? You are so good at cooking and things so I thought you wouldn't mind..."

"Of course I don't mind! Don't worry that much about it. I will prepare some godly delicious food for you!"

Lelouch was smiling too. It was a new kind of smile. It wasn't innocent like the one he showed when he first woke up but it wasn't fake either.

It was the smile of a man that had gone through a lot, accepted everything, regretted but still was genuinely happy right now.

Suzaku was perceptive enough to realise this and pecked Lelouch's lips in relief.

"We will have a hard time at first though. We need to build a proper house and things..."

"Yeah, but we will manage somehow right? My knight?"

"O-of course we will! What should we bring with us there? Is there something you need? We can dress you up and we can go shop all the essentials!"

"There's no need for that. I will make a list of things I believe to be essential and you just go buy them... But before that... I have a favour to ask."

"A favour?"

"Please, let me meet and talk with Nunally one last time."

Suzaku's eyes widened, and Lelouch caught on that pretty quick.


"I am leaving my sister behind, at least let me apologize to her properly for everything, congratulate her for everything she has achieved so far and wish her good luck for the future. Is that too much to ask for?"

"Of course it isn't. I understand I will ask her to come here tomorrow and you can talk, just the two of you. She doesn't have anywhere to go all morning so I will tell her to come by. It's the first time you are meeting her since your memories returned, eh?"

"Yes... That is why I have to tell her everything honestly before disappearing forever from her life."

"Yeah. I am sure she will be happy to hear your honest feelings."


"No problem, my king~"

Suzaku pecked his lips again.

"Geez~ I am not your king anymore!" Lelouch chuckled in response.

To be continued......
*clears throat*
I am glad to announce the story is actually progressing smoothly and according to plan (which is strange) and it's 2 more chapters, deal with me until then!

Anyways see ya next month~

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