Enlightening Slumber

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When Lelouch managed to wake up again from his slumber, it was already morning.

Nunally gave Suzaku a day off as she promised Lelouch, so he stayed up all night looking over the sleeping boy...

Lelouch woke up soaked in sweat and his head was in an even bigger mess than before.

During his sleep, it was almost like he was dreaming of things... Things of the past...

Robots... those robots ironic as it was they were called Knightmare... He probably let our a light chuckle connecting the word Knightmare with Nightmare.... Because what he was seeing at the moment looked more like a nightmare than a dream...

This time the memories were surfacing in an enormous speed... so much that Lelouch couldn't handle the pain it caused him, thus unable to get up or move around.

He was left sleeping there going through tunnels and mazes of memories...

Slowly some of the so far independent flashbacks started connecting...

Nunally.... Euphy... his mother his siblings...

Memories of his childhood surfaced... Suddenly Suzaku started making an appearance as well.

With a sour face, he insulted him and his sister but he was kind enough to help them in time of need.

A very rude boy, was the only impression the prince managed to ascertain. But he was kind.

That was also when he finally understood... that he loved Suzaku.... more than a friend or a comrade... this was a true love kind of love...

A little unwilling to accept it due to embarrassment, his mind took him to another place.

Suzaku wasn't there. But everyone were wearing the same uniform... the same as the ones in the photos in the brunette's mobile.

Ashford Academy... President Milley... Rival... Shirley... Nina... Karem.... Arthur... and later Suzaku too...

I see... everyone... were my friends... we had such a good time together...

But as this thought was starting to accumulate in the still unconscious Lelouch, almost like a message from Lelouch's consciousness before amnesia... cruel words were heard inside his dream...

"They are dear to me... so dear... I want to pass more time with them.... I want to stay like this... I want this peaceful life to continue ever after... yet I can't... No... I can't have them involved... I have to push them away... I have to shut them off.... The most I can do for them is give them bright tomorrow... yes... that's right... I don't have to be amongst them... they will be happy without me.... they will be more happy that way..."

The voice... was very similar to his own... feeling almost like he was listening to the original Lelouch's plead he started calling out to Suzaku...

Suzaku in his slumber was mumbling the other's name...

Slowly after Lelouch woke up.

Suzaku arched up from next to him.

"Lelouch! Are you okay? Is your head alright? I was so worried you would never wake up again... I thought you would leave me alone again... I can't live without you again!!"


Despite his head throbbing and his hands and body still trembling all his attention was focused on Suzaku's tearfilled eyes...

He embraced the other, both to calm him down and to ease his own loneliness...

"Suzaku... I am sorry... I am sorry for leaving you alone... I... I realised... I love Suzaku a lot... I am still confused but I am sure of this! I love you! I love you a lot!! I... I want to stay with you!!"

"Lelouch.... just how much... did you remember...?"

To be continued...
Due to high school final year things all my fanfics get smaller chapters...

I am sorry... Also how to return Lelouch's memories!? I feel such pity for these two... I just want them to be happy :'o

Anyway see ya next month~

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