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Suzaku helped Lelouch, who still had a headache, sit on the bed. Then he sat down next to him. While Nunally was sitting in her wheelchair opposite of them.

"Lelouch... This person here... is your little sister. Her name is Nunally."

Suzaku said as calmly as possible while having an arm around Lelouch to embrace him.

"I...don't remember her..."

Lelouch said confused.

"Yeah I know. Let me explain to her what's going on though. Okay?"


After that Suzaku turned to face Nunally.

"First of all, I am not supposed to take this mask off even in front of you. I am sorry, your highness."

"Suzaku-san, please leave the formalities out of the way and explain to me what is going on!"

"Understood. Then I will start with what happened two years ago. You saw Lelouch's plan through his memories, right? But after I stabbed him, I hid his face and took him to a doctor immediately."

"I see. As expected, Suzaku-san really cares about my brother."

"He regained consciousness for a moment after the surgery. But then he fell on a comma. I had him taken here and locked in here. I didn't want to get your hopes up. After all I didn't know if he would survive."

"I understand..."

"His state hadn't changed in around 2 years. This December, on his birthday, he regained consciousness. After that... I am locking myself here even more... I wanted to pass time with Lelouch. But as you have suspected. This Lelouch has amnesia. When he woke up he didn't even know his name."

"Is that so...? It should have been hard on you Suzaku-san... I get it. This is a secret. I won't tell anyone. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Nunally."

Suzaku said full of affection. Nunally understood that he was thanking her as Suzaku and not as Zero. Because he called her by her name.

In the meantime Lelouch was confused.

He didn't get what was going on...

But the first question that came to him was... what did he do in the moment he regained consciousness.

Quite a peculiar question even for him. But he felt like he remembered the scene.

Probably the only memory that he had when he woke up for the first time, although he didn't realize at the time was that.

Him, in an unknown place full of white. White walls, white ceiling.

There were a pair of sparkly green eyes, tears coming out of them, looking at him.

Then the owner of the eyes said something. And then he remembered himself saying something... But he couldn't remember what...

A long distant memory. So it was from 2 years ago. It was not a dream, he realised.

On another note, this Nunally person was supposed to be his sister. When she called out to him before, her voice was resounding over and over in his head like a charm.

She was his sister. He didn't remember her but call it brother instinct or whatever, he felt their bond.

Nunally turned to him with a smiling face.

"I am sorry I scared you, Oniisama"


Lelouch felt a glint of memories flowing into his head again.

"I will leave now. Suzaku-oniisan, I leave my brother to you. I will not come in here alone again. Only when you are here too. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, your highness. I am not angry. But I would appreciate that. Thank you."

"Yeah ! Well, I am going."

And she left the room. Suzaku closed the door behind her.

"Suzaku-oniisan... I... my head is acting strange..."

"Yeah. I know. I will answer all your questions. Okay? Ask me whatever you want. I won't keep any more secrets from you."

"Because secrets were the reason we ended up like this..."

Lelouch murmured, completing the other's sentence.

Suzaku looked astonished at Lelouch.

"Lelouch! Did you remember!?"

To be continued......
Is this considered a cliffhanger?
I don't know.
Also, probably didn't mention this, but me and my bestie are rping as SuzaLulu in real life and every time I write for this story, I tear up at their tragedy...

Anyway see ya next month~

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