Question & Answer

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"I will answer all your questions. Ask me whatever you want. I won't keep any more secrets from you."

"Because secrets were the reason we ended up like this..."

Lelouch murmured, completing the Suzaku's sentence.

He looked astonished at Lelouch.

"Lelouch! Did you remember!?"

"Remember? Remember what? I don't know.... my head got flooded with flashbacks I don't recognize... and I felt like I was sad... I was sad because Suzaku-oniisan was angry at me... and that was because I lied and kept secrets...."


Suzaku looked over at the other with pity and guilt in his eyes.

"Uum... don't make that face Suzaku-oniisan.... After all, it's just videos and images to me... I have no recollection of those..."

"Lelouch... when your memories return, I want to apologize to you. Properly."

"Apologize? For what?"

"Even if I tell you now... you won't understand... So...uum... I am still willing to answer your questions now so go ahead and ask."

"Okay... In the flashbacks, there was a cat. And that cat kept biting and scratching Suzaku-oniisan. What was the cat's name?"

"From all the possible questions it's that....?"

"Starting from trivial things helps you understand complicated things that follow."

"I guess that's Lelouch's logic? Anyway... that cat's name is Arthur. He is my cat. He is still alive, and actually in this house. I can bring him one day if you want."

"Okay. Then, what about the mask you are threw when you came in?"

"Oh... that's Zero's mask."

"Zero... The hero?"

"How do you remember that?"

"Actually I thought it was a dream but I remember people around me shouting Zero Zero Zero like a charm. I was only convinced when I read the newspaper you left here the other day."

"I-I see.... I really can't hold a candle to you, eh Lelouch?"

"Suzaku-oniisan... what is Zero..?"

"Zero is... your creation..."

"My... creation?"

"Zero... is the hero of the people. A hero of justice. The support of the weak. You created Zero. You were... the original Zero. That is why I hold this Zero title I have now so important, because you gave it to me."

"...Isn't it hard hiding your identity?"

"Hard? Not at all! Instead I am relieved."


"I, Kururugi Suzaku, died with you. The knight of Zero, Kururugi Suzaku, died together with his king. I am but a shell of what I was, but that is actually better, I calmed down. Thanks to you I am able to view the world objectively and help for our objective."

Suzaku unconsciously started speaking his true feelings, the feelings he wanted to tell Lelouch all this time but couldn't.

"...Suzaku-oniisan... was my knight? And I made you die?"

"Ah! Don't misunderstand! It was a plan! You thought of it but I agreed too. Although I couldn't stand you dying, that's why I disobeyed you and tried to save you without destroying your plan."

Lelouch had dropped in tears. Tears he wasn't supposed to shed.

He was crying but didn't get why. His hypothesis was that the him with memories was crying, maybe his soul was still intact. He didn't know. But at the very least, he could understand those were not tears of regret, nor pain, but tears of happiness...

Thinking that, he had hope that he was not so bad as the world believed. He wanted to believe that. Yet he had yet to find evidence.

A tiring question & answer...

Suzaku asked for a break. Lelouch complied. And they played another of their usual matches of chess before it started all again...

To be continued........
Thanks for reading. And I was close to tearing up again, thanks fingers.

I swear Lelouch's questioning is quite enjoyable alright, but why did he start with Arthur!?? Idk! Stupid Lelouch! Stupid fingers! Stupid me!!

And anyway see ya next month!!

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