Conveying feelings

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Suzaku put his hands around Lelouch's cheeks and looking into his eyes asked again.

"Lelouch, just how much did you remember?"

"Actually I still can't see the end..."


"Finally all the flashbacks are starting to seem like a long movie connecting with one another... But even then I still can't see the end..."

"The end... It's okay if you don't see it..."

"No... I have to. You are carrying an extremely big burden. That is not for you alone to carry, right?"

"No... It is for me and me alone to carry! You carried an even bigger weight back then! Now it is my turn-..."

"No... I will carry it. Everything. Everyone's share, I will shoulder it... We were all friends after all..."

"Y-you mean everyone from Ashford Academy!? You remember them!?"

"Yeah... Some of them are already dead but... for those who are still alive and well... I want to shoulder their share as well... Even if they have forgotten about me..."

"Stop it... Why are you saying these things!? What did you remember!?"

"I saw the fun times I had with everyone... And I begun thinking 'if only these times continued on forever'... but then I heard my voice saying things like stay away or you will hurt them... Really how ironic... I already knew that much back then but I still didn't distance myself properly..."

"Lelouch! I am at fault too! I should have stayed closer to them! And protected them! But I was so caught up with revenge and my hatred towards you! I didn't even realize that your-that our- world was coming apart piece by piece!"

"Suzaku, don't cry... You will make me cry too... And I still don't know anything... I need to remember but..."

"Lelouch... After all... I think I have forgiven you... Right now... even if I know you have some memories of killing Euphy... I can't come to hate you! I love you! I love you so much I never want to lose you again!! Never again! Don't leave me alone again!!"


"I am happy... I am so happy you are calling me by name right now..."

"Because... Now I am a bit closer to that Lelouch who you loved so..."

"Lelouch is Lelouch no matter what! I never regarded you as a different person! How could you think that? I love you! With or without memories I still love you!"

"...Is that really true.......?"

"Yes! I couldn't be more honest! Please don't leave me alone again!"

"Yeah... I understand... I will stay by your side forever and ever... So please don't cry anymore..."

One way or another Lelouch's head had stopped throbbing... He was calmer now after letting out some tears...

The two of them stayed there embracing each other for a while. Until their tears dried to be specific...

"Lelouch... Thank you..."

"...Can I say something egotistical?"


"Can you tell me all that again when I get my memories back...? I want to fully understand the feelings you are trying to convey to me properly..."

"Yeah... Alright! I will do so. So please tell me everything you want to say that time as well. With your memories intact."

"Yeah! Thank you!"

Both of them looked at each other happily chuckling slightly at how they could actually manage to speak out their feelings even in this state...

Even if just for a bit, Lelouch managed to tear off Zero's mask properly...

To be continued...
It's short. I am sorry. No inspiration also lots of studying and hw.... sorry TmT

Anyway see ya next month~

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