The move-A new start

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Suzaku was sure to schedule Lelouch's meeting with Nunally. The brunette had work in the morning so he left early but he did tell her to drop by the room in the morning.

She accepted immediately. Upon hearing that her brother's memories were back she smiled widely.

"Oniisama I came as you asked. Can I come in?"

"Yes. Please come in, Nunally."

He opened the door for her and helped her inside. He kneed down to her height like old good times and smiled tenderly to her.

"Do you remember everything now, Oniisama?"

"Yes... I do. Has Suzaku told you about his plans?"

"Yeah... You will leave right?"

"Yes... I will go far away again. I am sorry Nunally.... I haven't been a proper big brother in the last few years...."

"There's no need to apologize! I know why you made the decisions you made. I don't blame you."

"Thanks Nunally.... You have really grown up so much. Let me express my congratulations for your work these two years and also wish you good luck for here on out. Please Suzaku to me. I will take good care of him. I promise."

"Yeah I know. And thank you for your words. Also.... don't worry. I will be sure to protect the world that you have created."

"Don't push yourself too much."

"Yeah. Oniisama too."

The rest of the discussion was more or less unimportant chatter and reminiscing of some good old siblings moments.

At noon they bid their farewells and Nunally left the room.

Some days later Suzaku and Lelouch departed for Kaminejima island. The trip was short. It didn't last more than 5 hours.

Strangely enough Lelouch felt liberated. Like he could finally leave everything behind and start a new life. He had done a very cruel thing to Suzaku and it was finally his chance to make up for it. He was thankful for having another chance to live peacefully with Suzaku. And he would do his best for it.

Obviously the island was uninhabited and they were bound to live inside the airship for the first days as they slowly worked on making their new house. Well more like Lelouch was planning it out and Suzaku actually doing the physical work because what could you expect?

Lelouch seemed to have way too much fun though. He complained of course but never ill-intented. He had fun experiencing this thrill out in the wild and with Suzaku by his side he didn't fear anything. His knight was right by his side.

Arguments were coming and going like breathing and they had started to sound like an old married couple pretty soon.

Suzaku had to fly back home some times. Other times it was Lelouch who dressed as Zero and went there. Of course those times were pretty rare and only if it was a diplomacy meeting or something. The weight of Zero's mask wasn't entirely resting on Suzaku now. They were sharing it. They shared both "Zero" and happiness.

It wasn't a life without struggles or a nice and peaceful life (mainly due to Suzaku's assaults in bed at night and Lelouch's assaults in the kitchen every morning and lunch) but it was a nice lifestyle.

They might have had contact with the outside world but they both regarded that as work and nothing more. Their world was the whole of Kaminejima island and that was more than enough place for them to have their fun and run around like they have gone crazy....

They both loved it....

To be continued....
*Dadoom!* One chapter left!
We will be having a timeskip and moving some years into the future to see how these dorks are doing! I will try to make it extra long!
Also I barely made it in time in my timeline but Happy Birthday Suzaku!!! May you he happy one day!!

Anyways see ya (for one last time) next month~~

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