Our world

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The next morning came soon. Lelouch hadn't manage to sleep properly at all. he stood up early in the morning and washed his face in an attempt to wake up.

The dark circles were discernible. But all the night, he hadn't set even a single tear. Almost as a switch was turned on his tears got locked inside him with no chance to come out. His heart became locked away again.

But this time he didn't have to fight for world peace. He had to fight for Suzaku's happiness... But now that he had his memories looking straight into Suzaku's eyes like that and passing happy times with him was something he felt was no good for him to do...

His thoughts were interupted by Suzaku who was hugging him from behind. He greeted him good morning with downcasted eyes...

"Good morning, Suzaku."

"Good morning, Lelouch... Did you sleep well?"

"Y-yeah! You?"

Suzaku looked at Lelouch's face with worry, having spotted the dark circles under his eyes.

"You hardly slept, right?"

"Eh? No? I slept perfectly!"

Of course Suzaku was able to see through the other's fake smile in a moment.

"Lelouch... what are you thinking about again? Why do you keep plotting things? Please don't wear a mask again... Please be honest... Stop thinking about merits and stupid things and be honest with me!!" He called out desperately.

'Oh... that is how I look like... To Suzaku, I have told countless and countless lies. I wore countless masks in front of him... And hardly any of those masks was for his sake... But I have put on masks since I was little... Can I really live with honesty? Without a mask? Without lies?'

Lelouch's thoughts became more and more complicated. He lost confidence in himself.

For Suzaku was asking him to change, to be the true him. And he was afraid to do that... He didn't know if he would be able to do that... The masks had become a part of him. Would he be able to tale them all off or not...

Amidst the chaos that was occuring in his head, Suzaku's warm embrace calmed him down. 

Lelouch turned his eyes slightly upwards to look into Suzaku's green eyes.

"Didn't I just say to stop thinking?"

"B....but I am a human you know... I have to think otherwise..."

"This isn't society! Please look around! There's nobody else here! This is OUR world and only ours! It's the world of the two of us! You don't have to think anything!!"

"But what if I end up hurting you all over again....?"

"That is fine. If it's the pain I receive from my love I will gladly embrace it as well!"

Suzaku's kind smile soothed Lelouch's hair in a way he never thought he would be soothed... Suddenly all his worries flied off to a faraway land somewhere nobody will ever even step foot into. His heart was set afree.

Oh how he wished he had heard those words earlier... 

"...How am I supposed to act if I don't think...?"

"That is easy! All humans have it after all, that think called instict! Bring it out and throw it on me!"

'Be conquered by my animal insticts, eh...'

Lelouch decided to follow that advice and the next he knew he was attentively kissing Suzaku in a way he had never kissed anyone...!!

To be continued...


I have a feeling this would be a very good point to end this story but ugh I wanna have a long final chapter so I won't XD Deal with me for  a bit more!

Anyway see ya next month~

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