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A new year had started.

Suzaku ended up taking the whole day off on New Years...

Which surprised everyone because Zero had never taken a day off till then. Except when it was really necessary....

Nunally obviously accepted his request but was quite curious what had gotten into him.

Suzaku passing so much time in that forbidden to her room was quite suspicious as well.

Around a week later, when Zero had gone on a trip far away for business, she tried to sneak into that room.

The curiosity was too much to bare anymore. And she knew fully well Zero wouldn't tell her what was there, let alone let her enter the room.

She didn't have the keys to the door though.

She went in front of the door and started knocking intensively.

Suzaku had told Lelouch not to speak when someone can hear no matter what.

So Lelouch stayed silent even though he was awake.

He tried to stay still as well.

Nunally didn't leave though. She kept knocking the door.

"Is someone in there? Please answer me! I won't tell anyone! Tell me!"

Nunally wasn't afraid to keep talking to the air. She wasn't ashamed or anything.

She hoped for the one inside to speak to her. She needed to know who it was.

Lelouch, who was tired of staying still tried standing up really silently to go drink some water.

For his bad luck though, his legs were kinda dead after sitting on them for so long.

He fell down dramatically. He wasn't hurt or anything but that made a big noise.

"I knew it! There's someone in there right!? Please answer me! I won't do you any harm!"

"Are you Zero's friend? Please answer me! I will keep quiet about you! And I won't do you any harm! Please let me in!"

Lelouch didn't know what to do...

He kept wishing for Suzaku to hurry and come back.

In the meantime a certain maid was heard outside giving that Nunally person something.

Apparently Nunally had asked an expert to make a copy of the key to open the door.

Before even trying to open the door tho, she gave her maid a command to leave.

She was all alone in the hallway slowly putting the key in the keyhole and turning it.

As she was about to unlock the door, Lelouch fretted.

He run towards the door holding the doorknob in a manner so the door wouldn't open.

"No! Don't come in!"

He shouted unintentionally.

Nunally heard his voice and as it was way too familiar she understood the identity in a matter of seconds.

Her hands gave up. Her eyes teared up as she heard the voice of her dead brother.

"Oniisama!? Is it really you Oniisama!?"

As it was automatic, Lelouch's brain started throbbing.

"O-oniisama....? What...? Who...? Who are you....!?"

Lelouch fell down holding his head.

The door opened and Nunally was now sure that it indeed was her brother.

Her tears wouldn't stop. Yet as she noticed her brother was on his knees with a terrible headache she tried to help him by hugging him.

"Oniisama? Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Should I call a doctor?"

"...Who are you?"

"It's me, oniisama. It's me. Nunally. I guess I did grow up a bit..."

"I... Do I have a sister?"

"Eh? What are you talking about oniisama?"

"I don't re-...!"

"Lelouch!!" Suzaku barged into the room as soon as he saw the door open. He threw Zero's mask away in a matter of seconds.

"Suzaku-oniisan! I... she.... who...? I don't get it...."

"It's okay, Lelouch."

Suzaku took Lelouch at his embrace.

"Suzaku-san... I think I require and explanation for this... How is my brother alive? And why doesn't he remember me?"

"I... will explain everything Nunally. But first, let's close the door. This is not a discussion that might be overheard."

"I understand"

"....what's going on?"

A confused Lelouch asked. But was greeted with two glances that both meant, wait a bit....

To be continued......
For my friend suggested I hurry up and start giving Lelouch his memories back? XD
Well it was about time to break free of that room, the prison for only those two.
Hope you enjoyed.

See ya next month!

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