A certain couple of idiots

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Many years passed since Lelouch and Suzaku had moved to Kaminejima. Everyday was a thrill though. Suzaku was always protecting Lelouch as far as physical danger goes and Lelouch would always comfort the brunette after any mental struggle he went through.

Sometimes they would sit at the edge of the island, on some rocks, gazing at the sea, at the sunset and taking in the clean air around them.

Suzaku would lean on Lelouch, resting his head on his shouder. Lelouch in response would take ahold of Suzaku's hand and hold it tightly.

They usually didn't speak but maybe words weren't needed after all. Lelouch gazed at Suzaku and he gazed back.

Lelouch's geass never disappeared. It was always there, evident on his eyes. Suzaku who dreaded and hated the power of geass so much had already gotten accustomed to it. For in this island that they were all alone, nobody would be inflicted by that geass.

"Live." Was the geass, the wish Lelouch entrusted to him since the very start. Suzaku knew already the reason this geass was bestowed upon him but he had never gotten to hear the answer from Lelouch. For Lelouch's answer was "Because I wanted to survive." But Lelouch is a liar after all. At least back then.

But now they have promised not to lie to each other anymore, for lies destroyed their happiness once.

He gathered all courage he had and asked, his eyes never leaving the sunset.

"Lelouch, why did you cast such a geass upon me?"

Lelouch turned slightly surprised at the pause of the usual silence and stared at Suzaku. But Suzaku never looked his way.

"Why are you asking this after all this time?" Lelouch raised his eyebrow.

"I just felt like it."

"Haven't I already answered this question in the past?"

"With lies, that is."

Lelouch downcasted his gaze, then he turned it to the sunset.

"I wanted to save you."

"Yeah... it was like that after all."

"Yeah... it was just that. There were no political or strategical reason behind that."

"Thank you, Lelouch."

"I thought you hated this geass, though?" He said in irony.

"Yeah I do. But take hate and turn it around it's love, right?"

"How stupid..."

"That day.... when Euphy died, I lost a friend."

"The day you called me out to Kururugi Shrine, I lost my faith in friendship."

"I really didn't know I was followed that day..."

"Yeah. I know that now. Actually, if I had just judged from your face that day, I would have known but I was impatient."

"Those are already long gone times though, right?"

"Yeah... I hear there's a new rebel making some trouble in the world now."

"Don't worry, your creation, Zero can't be surpassed by some amateur rebel." Suzaku finally turned to look at him with a smile on.

Lelouch returned the smile fondly.

"Who will go this time?" He asked casually.

"The enemy is a terrorist. It's better if I go this time."

"Okay. Be careful."

"Of course! I have my beloved majesty back here waiting for me after all."

"Haha indeed you have! You better come back soon Suzaku!"

"Yes, your majesty!" Suzaku announced and then both burst out in laughter.

Suzaku was away for about a year and when he came back he was full of injuries...

"Suzaku!? What happened!?" Lelouch run up to him in a hurry.

"Calm down Lelouch. I am okay already.  These wounds have already closed up."


"I am sorry for being late... I was in an accident and I had to stay in the hospital for quite a while."

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah! These are just the remaining bandages. Nothing to worry about!"

"You idiot! That's as far as this goes! We are putting up an antenna here! I can't have you leaving and not knowing if you are alive!"

"Lelouch... are you crying...?"

"Of course I am crying!! I was worried, you know!"

"Ah... sorry..."

"I told you to be careful, you big idiot!"

"Yeah yeah it's my fault I am sorry... I am sorry Lelouch." He embraced Lelouch tightly and caressed his back.

"I was really worried you know! What do you think I would do if you were gone!?"

"Yeah. I am sorry. I said I would accept your geass but I almost messed up. I will be more careful next time. And we will put up an antenna too."


That was one of the biggest incidents they went through over there. Lelouch was very overprotective after that and Suzaku stopped being as reckless.

Also after that incident the world calmed down and Suzaku and Lelouch led a nice and peaceful domestic life with downs and ups and Lelouch's complaining as always.

Suzaku begun going back and forth again at times but they had a proper telephone network now and Lelouch knew what Suzaku did every single moment. (Yes he was calling him every 5 minutes and Suzaku answered even if he was in the middle of battle)

Well that's more or less how they ended up, in an abandoned island, alone, taking care of the world from the shadows.

And life went on and on just like that for those two idiots who were branded as demons and geniouses by the world....

The end.....
So this is the end. Thank you very much for reading till the very very end! Hope you enjoyed it :)

And I finished the rewatching of Code Geass again and you can bet I cried rivers xD This happy ending was to blow off steam from the anime ending xD (although I liked it plot wise)

May we meet again in another fanfic some time~~~

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