A promise on New Years

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"Suzaku-oniisan, were you the one who nearly killed me....?"

Lelouch asked. Suzaku had no intention to disclose that information to him yet.

That totally slipped out of his mouth.


"Please answer me. I need to know."

"...It's still too early for that. Forget it..."

"It's true, right? Well no wonder.... after all, I killed someone dear to you..."

Suzaku hugged Lelouch tightly, trying to calm him down.

"That's not it Lelouch.... I thought... I would be able to kill you because I hated you but.... in the end I couldn't bare it...."

"I don't understand what you are trying to say.... If you hate me then why....?"

"Look, in the end, you are still my dear friend... you are someone I love. That's why I saved you."

"I don't get it... Even if that's true.... Then shouldn't you have stopped before you stabbed me?"

"There was a reason for tha- Wait! Did you just say stabbed!?"

"Eh? Yeah I did..."

"I never said I stabbed you! How did you know!?"

"Ah...well...I usually have that dream...where someone with a mask named Zero comes and stabs me... I thought maybe it was true?"

"Lelouch! That was not a dream! That happened!! It happened! You are beginning to remember!!

"Eh? So that was true.... Then that means that Zero is Suzaku-oniisan?"

"Ehm...yeah... Sorry...."

"Why are you apologizing for? I don't get it....?"

"I disobeyed you... That day you should have died... But I saved you..."

"But isn't that supposed to make me happy?"

"Yeah... but the you from before would be angry.... I should apologize to you again when your memories are back...."

"Okay! Ah but talking about memories, I think you are forgetting something!"

"Eh? I am?"

What could it be....?

"Fortunately you have a proper calendar here so at least I remembered! What day is it today?"

Lelouch was looking at me smiling.

What day?

"Saturday....? What about that?"

"I meant the date..."

"December 31 2019"

"....You haven't noticed? It's new year's eve!!"

"Eh? Oh! Right... I completely forgot!"

"Maybe because you even have work tomorrow so you didn't notice.... Is it okay to pass so much time with me when you are so busy?"

"It's okay. But really I forgot. For the last two years I hardly paid attention to dates..... After your death...."

"Yeah yeah. Let's leave the sad things aside! What time is it?"

"23:53. Oh! It's about New Years!"

"Hurry up and lie down!"


"We are gonna be hugging together in bed at the start of the year! So we can continue sleeping like that all year long! Also we gotta have a nice first dream! And I am sure that if I am with you, I will have pleasant dreams."

"Lelouch, this is the second time you tell me this on New Year...."

"Eh? When?"

"When we were children. When it was new years. You held my hand and told me we should pass New Years together again....."

"Heh~ Maybe I was actually quite the romantist? Anyway hurry!"

"Yeah. I won't be able to pass tomorrow with you but at least let's stay together tonight."


We both entered under the blankets.

We counted down till the new year came upon us.

And were hugging through the whole night.

Actually that night around 10 years ago we made a promise. A promise to pass new years together again....

Finally this promise is fulfilled as well.

Thank you for this time, Lelouch.

"Happy New Year, Lelouch!"

"Happy New Year, Suzaku..." he mumbled in his sleep.

I will take that as a happy new year from the previous Lelouch okay?....

To be continued.......
Happy New Year everyone!!
Well belated. I was thinking I should update this on New Years day but my schedule kinda became messed up but I didn't want to let this idea go away and it was cute so adding it after the angst! XD
Hope you will keep tuned this year as well :-) (Also let's hope we will see Lelouch of the resurrection too!)

See ya next month~

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