Tattoos (Ashton)

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You were on your way to the tattoo shop with Ashton, your fiancé. You two were getting matching tattoos that said "I love you more" and "I love you most."

A blend of excitement and nervousness ran through your body. You weren't nervous because it would hurt, you were nervous about the possibility that they'd fuck it up.

You walked into the shop and a large man greeted you guys.

He led you to a room that you noticed was very well lit, and the woman and man who were the tattoo artists were very sweet and friendly.

You explained to them what you and Ash were going to get and they thought that it was cute. They showed you guys their matching tattoos, a key with his name on her hip and a lock with her name on his.

You thought that they were super adorable.

"Ash, can we actually get something like that?" You asked.

"Sure." He agreed.

For about ten minutes, you and the artists and Ashton threw around ideas before you decided on a sun with your name on his wrist, and a moon with his name on yours.

The nerves reached an all time high when you watched the artists prepare the needles and ink.

"Y/n, try to calm down. If I could hold your hand, I would. But I love you and it'll be okay. I promise." Ash told you. You smiled at him.

"Ready?" The girl asked you as she sat down by you, grabbing and cleaning your wrist.

You looked at Ash, who had just barely begun, and looked back at her.

"I'm ready."

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