Shopping (Luke)

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You and your best friend had just arrived at the mall to do your Christmas shopping.

"Who do you need to shop for?" You wondered.

"Literally everybody. You?" She asked.

"Same." You sighed.

"Where should we go first?" She questioned.

"Well Allie wants these little earrings from Claire's, and some shoes and clothes from Journey's, and they're next to each other and close. Wanna go there?" You suggested.

"Sure. I can look for stuff for Shianne, too." She agreed. You two walked towards the two stores in search of things for your six year old daughters.

You entered the very girly shop and studied the earrings.

After a few minutes, you had several pairs.

"Did you find anything for Shianne?" You questioned.

"This unicorn. I'm gonna get Allison this other unicorn." She held up almost identical ones, except one was pink and one was blue. Your daughters, Shianne and Allison, were best friends.

"That's cute." You smiled as you walked to the checkout.

You crossed over to Journey's, and automatically began looking at clothes and shoes.

"Do you think Allie would like this?" You questioned, holding up a pink dress.

"Yes!" Your best friend exclaimed.

"And you could match these shoes with it." She suggested, holding up a pair of pink sandals with little bows.

You smiled and grabbed them.

After another ten minutes, you guys left Journey's and headed to Hot Topic.

"These are the shirts Luke likes." You randomly said, picking up several different shirts that Luke had said he wanted.


When you guys had finished, the sun was setting.

"Are you done shopping for everyone?" She asked you.

You nodded.

"Same." She agreed.

This one sucks too fuck guys sorry

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