The phrase the perfect couple can be ruined in seconds

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Chapter 1

Laura's Pov

Tomorrow's gonna be the two year mark for me and bens relationship .I can't believe that nothing's happened usually my love life is a bit bad so I usually scare them away .The sound of my alarm going off woke me up,two years on the 6th of May which is today Ben asked me to be his girlfriend .I pulled my blue skater skirt along with a white tan top and black vans.I combed through my blonde hair and brushed my teeth and I sprayed myself with sure.I grabbed my phone and shoulder bag and I ran downstairs .BEEP,BEEP.

"Mum bens here bye mum love you"i said picking up a apple

I ran to bens black Porsche and I saw him stood at his car .

"Two years honey"he said handing me a gift and a card

"Happy anniversary babes "I said handing him a gift and card and hugging him

I opened the door and sat down in the seat and I started opening my present ,I looked at the present which was a box of chocolates and a pandora charm .I kissed him and thanked him for the present and he started to drive and I put the presents into my shoulder bag and I pulled my seatbelt on .We then pulled up at school.

"Oh honey anniversary dinner tonight I will pick you up at eight"ben said clutching my hand as we walked through the school doors .

"Yeah course I will "I said

"Okay Laura babe I'm going to go see coach before school starts so I will see you at lunch love you hun" he said kissing my lips

"Yeah love you honey see you in a bit "I said kissing him back

We went different directions and I went to go find Ashely and Miranda .I saw Miranda's vibrant red hair from a mile away and I ran to her and saw a sad looking Ashely .

"Happy anniversary Laura "Miranda said

"Arr thankyou what's up with Ashley" i said

"her and Talon have broke up ,he says that she was flirting with other guys too much"Miranda said rolling her eyes

"All I'm gonna say is it's probably for the best because know she's a free woman so she can flirt with anybody except Ben "I said

"Ok what did Ben buy you for your anniversary "Miranda said

"chocolates and a pandora charm"i said proudly

"So where you going for your

anniversary "Miranda said

"Going out for dinner but I don't know where"i said

"Laura when's cheerleading practice start"Melissa said

"Today after school "I said

"Okay I have got my cheerleading kit on my locker anyway"Melissa said

"okay see you later girls"i said heading to my locker

I grabbed my geometry book out of my locker and made my way to class .I sat in my normal seat at the front of the classroom next to Ben just as the bell went.

"Hey Hun have you got cheerleading today after school "Ben said

"Yes sweetie why"i said

"I have football practice today so do you want me to take you home what time does your cheerleading finish"i said

"It finishes at four so I wouldn't mind a lift home"i said

"Mr Reynolds and Miss Thomson do you have something to share with the class"Mr Heyworth said

"No sir"we both said at the same time

"Arr your such love birds"someone shouted

Before we knew it was the end of lesson.Maths.This school is going to be the death of me.Bens not gonna be in that class either.

"Hey Laura your looking fine today"Jordan said

"Unless you want my foot up your bum you better shut up"I said

"Stop flirting Laura"Ashley said

"I'm not ,I'm telling him to leave me alone ,it's not my fault that you and Talon broke up so stop blaming everyone else"i said

I know that sounded mean but she's supposed to my best friend .Miss Mitchell,my math teacher ,came in and decided to set us some questions.I finished my paper and handed it in to my teacher for her to mark.She looked down from her glasses and started to mark my paper .Its a stereotype that people with blonde hair are dumb because I'm blonde and I'm quite smart.The bell went for lunch and everyone popped out of their seats and headed to the door.Ben surprised me by coming up behind me and putting his hands around my waist.

"Hello I wonder who this could be"i said

He rested his head on my shoulder .

"Your amazing boyfriend "he said

He put his hands around my shoulders and we began to walk to lunch.We sit down on our normal table but I get up and join the end of the food queue. I order a cheese and tomato panini and coke and pay with cash before heading back to my seat next to Ben and I start to eat .Everyone was having their own conversations when I spotted Ashley walking away and then soon after Jake Bens best friend.Thats strange.

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