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They're so cuuute♡

Natsu: i know i am...
Me: baka not you your kid
Natsu: .___.
Lucy: Nani!? Who's the mom?
Me: Who else? You! *points to her*
Gray: Flamebrain and Lucy have a kids *snickers*
Me: Yeah? You have yours with Juvia..*grins eviley*
Juvia: GRAY-SAMA has a kid with Juvia♡! *faints*
Gray: *_*
Levy: Gajeel has a kid?
Me: *coughs* with you.
Levy: NANI?!
Gajeel: me and shrimp?
Everyone: WHAT?! I HAVE A KID?!
Me: hehe....
Levy: *hides behind lucy*author-chan doesn't own photo...

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