The Dragneel Family [Zeref Style]

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Kill me for not updating recently!

Natsu: Look who decided to show up.
Me: *^* dun be mad, i ish sowwy.
Lucy: It's okay Luna don't worry about jt.
Gajeel: smh.
Me: *^* 
Mira: Oh Gajeel, leave the poor girl alone.
Gray: hmph..
Me: OH COME ON.......T.T
Natsu: meh whatever.
Juvia: Juvia forgives Author-chan, but next time Juvia will hurt author-chan
Me:...oh..ok..●~● That picture is so kawaii.
Larcade: Smh.
Mavis: *giggles*
Zeref: •-•
Levy: Wait if Larcade is your son, does that mean that you two..
Me: OH...HO HO HO~😏
Mavis: *turns red*
Gajeel: 👉👌 they did it.
Levy: ○\\\○ *smacks Gajeel* YOU BAKA.
Natsu: What does 👉👌 mean?
Me: *just gonna die of laughter*
Lucy: BAKA!! LUCY KICK! *Kicks Natsu*
Happy: they're totally in looove~
Gray: these idiots...•_•;
Juvia: Juvia wants to 👉👌 With Gray-sama!!!
Gray: Are you insane woman!?
Zeref: Smh, Luna doesnt own this picture.

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