Reader + Book Fanfiction

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I know what you're thinking. TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY?!!

Yup. Im feeling generous.

:D Enjoy this weirdness i call fanfiction

You were happily skimming through Wattpad reading-- god knows what. Anywho, you get notification that Luna Dragneel updated her book, for once.

"About time," You say loudly as you press the notification. But then, you notice something is off. It was blank, actually your phone went entirely blank.

"What the heck?" You say as you tap your phone with slight annoyance.

At this point you were starting to worry you'd need a new phone

"Im not prepared for this!!" You panick as you tap your phone again.

It then begins to glow.

Now you're really panicking. "What the hell is happening?" As you threw your phone on the bed and backed away into a corner. It began glowing so bright you had to look away.

Now you regret pressing on the damn notification. And then, everything goes dark. You didn't pass out, it was just pitch black, your back was no longer against a wall either. You take a step foward, only to trip over something and fall.

Now where the heck where you.

___ Before The Notification___

Luna sat down in her chair and swirled around thinking of what else she should write in the fanfiction.

"Tch, if only I had some inspiration ." She said out loud as her Mother called for dinner. "I'll be down in a second!" She yelled from upstairs. As she got up and walked towards, she tripped over a book she had never seen before.

She yelled out a, intriguing profanity, as she got up and picked the book up. "Hmm, never seen you before," She mumbled as she opened it revealing some language she had no desire of trying to figure out.

She shrugged and put the book on her desk. She looks at her Fairy Tail poster and smiles, "Imagine if i got sucked into The world of Fairy Tail. Oh man, my readers would be mad that I didn't update, maybe, no, they'd love to be there too."

Her mother called again.

"On my way down!" She yelled as she left the room and went downstairs.

A slight breeze caused the book to flip through numerous pages. And began to slightly glow.

About 20 minutes later Luna came back upstairs only to find the glowing book.

"Huh?" She looked at then looked over to her phone which had apparently posted a chapter without her knowing. "What the hell." The book glew brighter as the lights went out in her room

She shrieked, "WHAT THE HELL?!"
She tried running back out her room but the door slammed shut. She looked at the book but had to look away just as quickly because the light burned her eyes.

And once again, it went dark, she wasnt unconcious, it was just pitch black.

She tried to walked, but she end up rolling down some stairs. Well now she knew, she wasn't at home anymore.


After getting up, you tried to see where you were. As you were about to take another step, you heard shrieking and loud thumps that seemed to fade.

You try making your way to the sound but you, yourself end up falling down the stairs and meeting the same fate.

You heard a groan and the person, who appeared and sounded like a girl mumble, "stupid stairs."

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