I Love Jerza Too Much.

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Erza: -////-#
Me: *walks up to a table but trips on the first step* ow...*gets up on the table nearly falling over* Wo-Woah! *gets balance and stands up proud and short.*
Gray: what is she doing this time....'-'
Me: *coughs* AHEM I LUNA.....*mumbles last name* DECLARE A BATTLE BETWEEN ERZA AND I!
Natsu: *laughs hysterically* BUAHAHAHA
Everyone: *laughs as well*
Me: T.T come on....*takes her sword out that she had on her hip forever*
Erza: Very well.....*take her sword out at whacks me out in a second*
Me: *knocked out*
Erza: *playfully rolls her eyes and laughs* Luna doesnt own the photo

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