Another Youtube Video For Fairy Tail!

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The beat is like amazing!!


Natsu: When did I fight Sting and Rogue?...
Lucy: It was during The Grand Magic Games Natsu...😅..
Natsu: the what?...
Gajeel: *facepalms* this idiot can't remember anything..
Gray: of course flamebrain woulf forget.
Natsu: whatcha say pyro and iron freak?!
Gray: *disppeared with a certain water mage*
Gajeel: *gets in fighting position*
Sting: .....
Me: This should be interesting...
Natsu: *throws a punch*
Rogue: *catches it*
Sting: *knocks Rogue to the ground*
Me: STING AND NATSU VS GAJEEL AND ROGUE!*waves flags fangirling crazily* guild...T^T
Gajeel: *punches Natsu*
Natsu:*kicks gajeel*
Rogue: *shadow roars at sting*
Sting: *light roars at rogue*
Erza: *shakes head*
Natsu: *back flips and kicks gajeel in the jaw*

This somehow turned into a fanfic...*note horrible at writing*

Gajeel smirked at Natsu and quickly dodged the oncoming attack. Turning his arm into iron, Gajeel extended it and aimed for Natsu. He flipped to avoid it and skidded to a stop a few feet away, returning the smirk that Gajeel had. "This is going to be fun."

Gajeel charged forward, jumping up at the last minute to land a punch on Natsu. Natsu blocked before sending a fiery kick to Gajeel's side. The man flew to the side but quickly jumped back up. His hand began to change shape once more but this time into a sword as Gajeel's laughter echoed through out the room. He flew forward aiming a strike at Natsu he moved to the side and retaliated with a punch. Gajeel jumped away, still holding the same smirk as before. His hand that hadn't changed was now holding a throwing knife as he threw it into the air and caught it, continuing the process several times.

Gajeel ran forward once more, his sword swung towards Natsu who jumped and landed on top of his blade. Gajeel seemed surprised for a moment before using the knife to swipe at Natsu. He jumped back and just barely managed to dodge the knife but was still cut across the chest. Natsu grabbed at the cut and looked down at it. It wasn't that deep so he knew he would be fine.

"Not so tough, are you Salamander?" Gajeel snickered. Natsu scoffed at the pierced mans words. They meant nothing to him, actions proved things much better in his opinion and he beat this freak once before, he could do it again.

This time Natsu moved first and in a flash, Natsu's fist made contact with Gajeel's cheek and he flew backwards, crashing into the wall on the other side. Gajeel climbed out of the rubble as a trail of blood ran down his left leg. Natsu breathed in deep, his cheeks puffed out as his eyes began to turn for his normal onyx and became almost a forest green.

"Fire dragons roar!" His fire started to spiral towards the dark haired mage. Gajeel followed suit and sent his own dragons roar to combat the fiery one coming his way. The waves clashed and battled each others before exploded and sending both dragon slayers back knocking then out.

Me: Ding ding both Iron and pryo knock out
Lucy: Should you be supporting this?...
Erza: *smirks*

They bolted towards each other as the fight started. Sting threw the first punch which Rogue easily side stepped. Rogue countered with a kick but Sting defended it with his arm. Blow's where dished out and taken from both as they continued on with their fight..
As the batttle continued the blow's became heavier.

Rogue took a hit straight to the face, but his defeat didn't last long as he used his fall to trip the unsuspecting Sting. Both Got up and continued with the harsh battle. Sting kicked Rogue into the air and then kicked him again into the hard cobble stone street. Punch's came flying at Rogue, too many to count. Rogue had enough kneed Sting in the gut getting Sting off him.

It was Rogue's turn to be the puncher. Rogues speed was impressive as he punched Rogue from the ground and jumped up and sent a flurry of kicks into Sting's chest. Sting hit the ground and then Rogue punched him into air again. "Now you want to make this serious, fine serious is where well go," growled Sting

White Dragon Claw

Shadow Dragon's Slicing Attack

Sting was hit by the attack

White Dragon...

Shadow Dragon...


Causing the both to knock each other out along with Gajeel and Natsu. "Welp the guild is in pieces." I said. "Again..." "BUT THOSE BATTLES WERE AMAZING!" I said cheering
"Makarov is going to murder all four of them." Lucy sweatdropped. "NATSU.GAJEEL.STING.ROGUE."


As Makarov yells and bangs them with his giant fist the weird author had recored the whole thing and said "Oops i got carried away with the chapter."

Until Next Time

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