"We won't know unless we Try "~Natsu Dragneel

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"What is so different about the Fairy Tail Guild?"

The guild itself was build off trust and and friendship.

"Why is Fairy Tail the #1 guild?"

Not only are they powerful and won
"The Grand Magic Games" but they saved Magnolia dozens of times!

"Why join Fairy Tail?"

Well why not? They can be really friendly and very rowdy.

"Why is Lucy weak?" ((《I hate this one))

Well to start off. Lucy is NOT weak.
She is very powerful indeed. In fact she saved her friends from being stuck in the underworld. SO YEAH. - -

"Why does Hiro Mashima kill characters and magically makes them come back?"

Well to start off. He is known as
Hiro Trollshima he is known well to troll.
Secondly EVERY SINGLE character is acknowledged, which means Hiro would not want to kill off any of his characters.

"Why is Fairy tail so stupid?"

If you think its stupid why do you even bother watching? Just forget about it.
You don't need to go hating on Hiro or the manga/anime.

"How can i join Fairy Tail?"

Simple. Only guild members can see Mavis right? So thus we are all Fairy Tail members. ☆,☆

"Why did you make this book"

I live the anime life.😎


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Everyone: 0.0
Me: 😅....
NaLu: WHAT!?
Gruvia: *^*
GaLe: ?!!!
Zervis: @-@
Me: Well... •-•
Me: -runs and hides-
Everyone: GET HER!!!
Me: -is hiding-
Natsu: I'll sniff her out!
Everyone else: -gets torture weapons out-
Me: !! @-@ !!!
Natsu: -picks me up by shirt-
Me: NUUUUUU -kicks him and douses self in water to prevent being sniffed out then hides-
Natsu: H-hey!!! >:(
Juvia: Juvia feels water...-make me float up-
Me: !!!!! -opens a portal and runs in it disappearing-
Loke: -comes out a portal holding me by the shirt- ahem...
Me: @-@ .......

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