Thank You

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Luna walks up to the guild doors with shaky hands and opens it slowly.  The guild has been rowdy as usual. It all went silent as Luna made her way towards Master Makarov. All eyes laid on her as she had been missing for nearly a year. A few whispers went about as she finally reached him.


"Luna?" Makarov turned around on his stool," So good to see you. How have you been?" He asks as if her disappearing without any telling anybody seemed to not matter to him.  

"I've been alright. You?" Luna smiles as she seats next to him. "I've been well,"

 "Where are Natsu and the others? On a quest? When will they be returning"

"Luna there's something you should know."

Luna turns to Makaro with concern," What is is Master?.."

"Luna dear, they've gone on a 100-year quest." 

Luna's eyes widened," How long ago master?"

"Nearly 11 months ago after you disappeared without a single trace."

Luna froze in her space. She never got to say goodbye to her friends. Luna stood silently next to Makarov for a while. Tears rolled down her face as she wondered if her friend's even remembered her. 

She wiped them away and stood as she climbed her way onto the table to grab everyone's attention, "Oi! Minna!"

Everyone turned their focus to her. 

"For those of you, that don't remember me, My name is Luna. The reason I disappeared for a very long time was that I was lost. Mentally. I had no idea why I was the way I was. I wish I could say more but I can't. I'm really sorry for leaving without any notice. I did not want my problem to become yours. I love you all and thank you for sticking by my side for so long."

"But I do have news. I hereby state, I, Luna, will be ending It's All About Fairy Tail."

"Fairy Tail will always and forever be with me, it taught me so many important things and made me into who I am today. Though I am sad that I'm ending this book I will never stop loving you."

Luna reveals her Fairy Tail mark proudly," This is who I am. This is my family no matter what. Fairy Tail is a part of me.  But there comes the time where I must continue on with life."

Luna steps down back to the floor and smiles,"Thank You to all my readers and friends. I would have never done it without you."

Luna faces back toward everyone," I love you, Minna, " She waves as she heads toward the door along with her belongings. She takes a deep breath and walks out the door.

----- Almost A Year Later-----

"Kyaaaa!" A blonde screamed," Natsu, you idiot! You burned the food!"


" Hey- OW! THAT HURT." Natsu said as he rubbed his head in pain. "Lushhhhhhhiiii stop being so loud!" A blue cat groaned,"A cat needs his sleep."

"It's 5in the afternoon!??" Lucy yells loudly. Another figure approaches them,"If I would have known that this was going to be you guys day in and out I would have stayed at the guild." He speaks with a teasing tone. 

"Gray-sama! You dropped your clothes," Juvia pops from behind hugging him tightly. 

"DAMMIT NOT AGAIN!" Gray grabs them in a hurry. He stops and turns back around to Juvia and smiles fondly,"Thanks by the way."

There's a sudden blast in the distance followed by many voices.  Natsu bolts straight up as everyone else becomes aware of battle ready,"What the hell was that?!"

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