The Dragneel Family (Original)

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Aww look how cute Zeref and Natsu were....♡.♡

Zeref: where did you get that?!
Me: *shrugs* i dun know.
Zeref: =~=
Natsu: woah....
Lucy: Natsu you look just like your father..
Mavis: Zeref you look just like your mother.
Me: ♡.♡ aw who would have thought one of them would be the dark lord and the other a fire freak....~.~
Zeref&Natsu: HEY!!!
Gray: Buahaha!
Lucy: *giggles*
Mavis: XD
Natsu: =~= *glares at Luna*
Me: *sticks tongue out* hehe.
Natsu: Smh, whatever. >~> so mean...
Me: ._.
Lucy: he's so childish sometimes...*facepalms*
Me: And that's why you love him!
Lucy: Yeah that' wh--- WAIT A MINUTE...
Me: Welp, gotta run! *takes off*
Lucy: LUCY KICK! LUNA YOU BAKA! *kicks luna*
Me: T_T so mean...

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