Edolas {2}

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Different Worlds....
Still the same story...


Me: I'm still trapped T.T
Juvia: Jeez Gray take off some clothes would ya?
Gray: but it's cold....
Juvia: Tch...
Me: oh jeez.....


EdoLuna: I NEED TO LEAVE NOW.....*starts breaking stuff*
Makarov: MY GUILD.....T.T
EdoLuna: please....let me leave..*bangs on a door which opens into a portal and jumps in*
Natsu: Was that always there.....?
Lucy: Nani?!
Levy: *2nd one to jump in*
Lucy: LEVYYY!! *jumps in after her*
Natsu: LUCY!!!*jumps in after her along with happy*
Gajeel: seriously shrimp...*jumps in*
Gray: Hey I want in! *jumps in*
Juvia: GRAY-SAMA!! *jumps in as well*

*sees a bunch of people on the floor and a portal*
EdoLun: ow....
Me: OWO welcome intelligent beings to Edolas.*sees natsu*
Oh nevermind...
Natsu: Guess who's back?!!
EdoNatsu: Who?
Natsu: oh jeez...
EdoNa: Please dont hurt me...*cowers*
Natsu: '-'....
Lucy: Place looks the same..
EdoLucy: yeah...
EdoNat: Two lucy's? t.t please dont hurt me!!
Natsu: Nah my Lucy wouldn't hurt y--*accidently groped earth Lucy*
Lucy: LUCY KICK! *sends him flying*
EdoNatsu: right...T.T
Gajeel: Hey you ended up joining these runts?
EdoGaj: Yeah *writing stuff down* they're fascinating
Levy: OWO is that me?
EdoLevy: yeah whatcha want punk?
EdoLucy: You shouldnt treat guest like that.
EdoLevy: i can do whatever the hell I want.
EdoLucy: maybe you should stop acting like a total b--
Lucy: 😅 let's just calm down
Levy: ._.
Gray: *gasps* TWO JUVIA'S?! *heart eyes*
Juvia: TWO GRAY-SAMAS?! *heart eyes*
EdoJuv&EarthGray: oh jeez.....
Gray: *grabs his earth Juvia and walks toward the portal*
We're leaving Juvia...*clearly jealous of himself*
Juvia: T.T NUUUU
EveryoneOfEarth: *hops back into the portal*
EdoLuna: Woah
Me: @-@ favorite candy on three
Me: 2
Both: *gasps* WOAH ME TOO!!
Me:*sniffles* we shall meet again Luna....
EdoLuna: Aye Luna!
Me: *hops into portal but pops head out again*
I do not own this photo! *disappears again*

EdoLucy: they're so weird....
EveryoneOnEdolas: aye!

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