An Innocent Game Of Spin The Bottle

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Requested By Wolfie-Chan_13

:D since last time I wrote a cheesy Fanfiction towards NaLu and shall write another cheesy Fanfiction but with interesting ships.

Warning:  I WILL ruin you. I will mess with your ships. And i will make you cry >:D

But it will be okay. Okay Enough so you cant sue me. :P😹

I promise, you're ships will canon. After a little jealously.~

"An Innocent Game Of Spin The Bottle By Luna Dragneel"

It was one of those slow days in the Fairy Tail guild where not a lot was happening. To the point where even Natsu and Gray had gotten bored of arguing with each other. Which never really happened.

And what is a better way to get things up and running again with a little innocent game of spin the bottle? Wait Did I say innocent? Knowing Mirajane, I highly doubt it.

The bottle was spun first by the one and only water mage, Juvia. She had secretly-- Well more like she loudly hoped it would land on her precious Gray-sama.

As the bottle slowly came to it's halt, Juvia looked up at the person she would have to kiss.
"No freaking way'" Gray murmured.



Here's the funny part. It was originally suppose to go toward Gray. But you know, the wind and all. Hehe. Gajeel sweatdropped nervously and stayed silent.

"Can Juvia spin the bottle again," Juvia pleaded.

"Sorry Juvia, but Mira said that once it lands on you it's final," Lucy said.

Juvia growled at Lucy, "You just want Gray-sama all to yourself."

Lucy sweatdrops and sulks, "I never even said that."

Mira tried to keep her smile but instead sulked. This was not going as planned.

Juvia said with tears in her eyes, "Gray-sama please forgive Juvia, Juvia's heart only belongs to Gray-sama only."

Gray murmured a couple things and looked the other way, "tch whatever."

"What, you jealous stripper," Natsu teased his frenemy. "As if," Gray argued back which didnt sound too convincing to anyone.

Lucy on the otherhand began to have second thoughts about the whole concept of this game. Levy couldn't bare to watch it happen.

Juvia leaned over Gajeel and kissed him for a couple seconds, "Juvia feels like she betrayed Gray-sama," Juvia pouted

Gajeel sulked, "I feel like a kissed my own sister..."


Let's go back to where everything began.

20 minutes before.

Mirajane had enough. Her ships where getting nowhere. It frustrated her a tiny bit on how dense they all were. But she didn't show it, much.

And then it hit her, they were all bored anyways. So why not have a nice fun game?

She grabbed an empty bottle from underneath the table. And headed towards where Team Natsu and a few others were.

"Do you guys want to play a game?" The demon take-over mage asked.

Everyone faced towards her direction with hope in their eyes as they all replied with sures or yeahs.

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