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Me: *wakes up in the middle of nowhere* Where am I?
*looks around*
*a car swerves toward at Luna and stops centimeters away from her face*

Me" *had a small heart attack and passed out again*

*car door opens and closes*

??: Dammit you scared the crap outta her idiot!
?¿: I'm sorry!! Please don't hurt me!
??: I got her *puts her in the car*
Me: *wakes up slowly as car leaves* huh? *sees natsu and lucy*
Me: huh?
Lucy: Guess who decide to wake their sorry ass up.
Me: @-@
Natsu: Hmph...
Me: @-@  wut
Lucy: You look different and seem different did the car hit you? You look more uglier than usual.
Me: T.T that's mean....(buahaha)
Lucy: Hm..you would have foughten back.
Me: ?¿
Natsu: Guys Just relax and we'll worry about it until we get there...*driving the car*
Me: Yea----@-@ *looks at Natsu*
Natsu: Tch. What are you looking at?
Natsu: Motion sickness?
Me: wait...*points at lucy* cocky attitude, *points at Natsu* no motion sickness.....HOLY SHIT I'M IN EDOLAS.....*passes out*

Natsu: There she goes again..*pulling up at Fairy Tail*
Lucy: You said it dork.

Somehow ended up inside.

Me: *once again wakes up* huh?
Lucy: Welcome back dork #2
Me: @-@ not a dream.
Natsu: y-you dont have to be s-so mean...*cowers*
Lucy: You telling me what I can't do? *grabs Natsu by the shirt*
Natsu: N-no ma'am!!

Me: uhh how did i g---
Gray: Juvia my dear! *hugs Juvia with a lot of layers of clothes on*
Juvia: *rolls her eyes* What do you want Gray?

Me: *stares in confusion*

Meanwhile In Our Universe
(^I'll love you whoever gets it)

EdoLuna: Where the hell am I?
Natsu: ~.~ she looks different and smells different too.
EdoLun: Shut up idiot before I ask Lucy to beat you again
Lucy: @-@!?!
Natsu: *stands behind lucy* she's being mean luce....
Lucy: Woah calm down Luna I'd never beat up Natsu...on purpose..
EdoLun: You just did like 10 minutes ago...*drinks*
Natsu: Who exactly are you? *sort of glares*
EdoLun: oh? Look who has guts after all..*snickers*
Levy: Hm..Luna what's Lucy's last name?
EdoLun: Lucy Ashley.
Everyone: whhhaaaa
Levy" HA! You're from edolas! We're the earthland, you probably have our Luna!
EdoLun: Tch. No wonder you're about of cowards.

Back to Edolas

Me: T.T everyone is cold hearted here but Natsu...
Natsu: S-s-sh-shut...
Me: Shut up...;-;...It's shut up.
Natsu: *cowers and puts handin front if self* please don't hurt me...
Me: ;-; wasn't planning too...I WANNA GO HOOOOOMMMEEE...
Lucy: you're stuck with us unfortunely.
Me: No no n-- oo is that candy? *floats to the bar*
Lucy: *shakes her head*
Levy: so Lucy I heard you're horrible at reading.
Lucy: i heard you smelled.
Levy: Well i heard you can't get a boyfriend.
Lucy: oh yeah? I heard you aren't good in bed.

Me: *eating chocolate at bar*
Gray: *sits down next to me and sighs*
Me: What's the matter boi?
Gray: Juvia won't notice me....
Me: you see you remind me if my Juvia back on earth. She is in love with Gray. But my Gray is always stripping

Gray: *eyes sparkle but then turn dull when strip is mentioned* really?
Me: Yup! To get her attention...one loose some clothes, two stahp being stalkerish. Three Be casual.

Gray: thank you Luna! *takes off somewhere*
Me: ye....*eats chocolate*

Meanwhile In Our Universe.

EdoLun: *toilet papered and egged the guild* oops?
Makarov : twt my guild...
EdoLun: hehehe *goes to bar and eats skittles.*

Juvia:*sits down and sighs*
EdoLun: oi wat wrong though?
Juvia: Gray-sama won't notice me...
EdoLun: *snickers* usually Gray is after you.
Juvia: What does EdoLuna mean?
EdoLun: You know, you stalk him here on earth, and he stalks you on Edolas.
EdoLun: heh once I find a way back.
Juvia: YAY!! *skips away happily*
EdoLun: *shakes her head* jeez with people today...
Natsu: EdoLuna does not own the draw--pictur---the str---gah forget it she doesnt own it.
EdoLuna: Jeez man I seriously don't though.

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