Gruvia One Shot (Home Improvements)

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Dedicated to FairyTailBaka for her amazing (continuously) support on this book! I also want to thank her for her amazing story Losing Juvia (Gruvia).
I highly reccomend reading it!
To show my appreciation, here's a Gruvia one shot for you!

Also on second note, I recently posted a video of Youtube for my Kings and Queens of Fairy Tail.

(Or Just the video on Top)
Link To Channel in Bio.

On with the One-shot!


It had been a fine, spring day in front of the guild, and Juvia had just bid farewell to Gray, who was leaving on a short, weekend-long mission with his team. It was then that Juvia had overheard Lucy and Natsu's comment about the state of Gray's home.

"Let's get going everyone, or we'll miss the train," Erza chivied them all along, her strict tone booming over the chatter of the guild they were leaving behind. She had her vast amount of luggage, holding many of her armors, and other supposed necessities, along for the journey.

Lucy and Wendy both had much smaller, single luggages that they were pulling along behind them, while Gray and Natsu both were carrying packs.

"Alright, we're coming," Gray answered wearily, clearly not a fan of their early departure, as he gave a huge yawn along with his reply. "We could have been out of here already if you hadn't been wolfing down your third helping of breakfast," he said testily to Natsu, who just chugged his sixth tall glass of orange juice in one gulp, and belched loudly.

"Look who's talking, I was the one who dropped by and woke you up. I guess even your brain freezes over when you sleep," Natsu teased, as Gray glared at him.

"I would have woken up eventually without your help. And at least my brains haven't already turned to ash like yours," he shot back.

"Yeah right," Natsu said. "You were so out of it, I was about to give you a flaming wake up call, but I figured you wouldn't be happy if I caught all your garbage on fire, too. Isn't that right, Lucy?""

Lucy gave Gray an apologetic look, before confirming Natsu's statement, "it did take a few good shouts before Natsu managed to wake you, Gray. Also, your house is getting almost as bad as Natsu's. Haven't you guys ever heard of a broom?" she said over her shoulder, as she followed Erza, Wendy and the Exceeds down the lane.

Natsu laughed. "She called you a slob!"

Gray growled, "no she didn't, and she said your place was worse, so what does that make you?"

They continued to argue like that all the way down the main street. Juvia watched from the guild entrance as the group became smaller and smaller, until they were lost amongst the crowd completely. All thoughts about running after them, and insisting she come along, vanished from her mind at the thought of Gray's house. It was messy?!

Juvia had restrained herself, and only been to Gray's house a few times previously. And all of those past visits were to drop off a meal she had cooked just for him. He usually was bemused, but eventually grateful for the gift, since he didn't really cook, and ate most of his meals at the guild. However, she'd never seen much of the inside of his home, catching glimpses only of the kitchen, since she usually just lingered awkwardly outside. Also, Gray never seemed keen to invite her in, so she's alway been curious about what the rest of his house looked like. Maybe, now that he was away, she could surprise him by tidying up the place? But how would she get in?

Juvia had heard rumors that Mira held keys for many of the guild member's places, like Lucy's apartment, for emergency situations. Maybe Gray had left a key in her care, too? Thinking she might as well ask, she rushed back into the guild, and up to the bar, where Lisanna was chatting to her sister.

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