The Jerza Kiss.

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Im Just Testing My Writing Skills.]

[After All Chaos of the Alvarez]
What if...

It's after the battle of Alvarez and Jellal and Erza get seperated amongst the cheering guild. After all the heartwarming cheers Erza seems to notice that Jellal and the rest of Crime Sorciere are nowhere to be seen. Gradually, it's expected they left before the Royal Guards would appear. Fairy Tail is happy as it can be. While celebrating Erza steps outside to catch some air and sighs. "You fought well Erza," An unknown yet familar voice said. Erza turns around to see the one and only Jellal Fernandez and smiles at him,"I thought you left already," Erza says. Jellal takes a couple steps forward,"I Wouldn't leave without saying a proper goodbye." Erza gives Jellal a questioning look,"Well you are known to making dramatic exits," Erza laughs soon followed by Jellal's laughter. It soons become silent before Erza spoke up,"Jellal I lo--" Erza turns around but is interrupted with Jellal's mouth against hers. "I love you too Erza," he smiles before walking off leaving a flushed red haired mage in a daze. Jellal laughs and waves to Erza before disappearing. Erza snaps out of her daze and smiles before walking back into the guild.

"Always know how to make dramatic exits don't you?" Erza says softly.

Jellal's voice, faded yet gentle, is heard ,"Yep."

Erza opens the doors of the guild. As soon as she does everyone falls foward onto the snowy pavement. "Dammit Natsu, you were suppose to tell us when she was coming,"Gray yells at the pink haired mage, "Shut up Gray," Natsu yells back.

She smiles and helps Lucy up who mumbles, "Bakas," Erza laughs and wraps her arms around everyone. "Come on lets go inside before you all freeze to death."

Mirajane holds up a picture of the kiss,  "Thanks Happy." She says as she slides him a fish

"Aye Sir!"

[The End.]

Idk. XD

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