call #4

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"what do you want?"

"why are you gotta be so rude, don't you know i'm human tooo" he sang

"never sing again"

"why not?"

"because if you do i will be forced to rip my ears off and i'll never be able to enjoy our delightful conversations again"

"ha! you do enjoy these conversations!"

"no, i don't. i was being sarcastic."


"why do you have to be so immature?"

"am not!"

"said the kindergartener"

"whatever. so how was your day?"

"it was whatever"

"want to hear about my day?"


"then what do you want to talk about?"

"i would like to know about your identity"

"why can't we just enjoy these conversations?"

"because i like to know who is on the other end of the call"

"you do know. i'm trevor"

"i'm not even sure if that's your real name! i like having authentic conversations. i want authenticity"

"ok. then figure out my identity"

"and how am i supposed to do that without any kind of lead?"

"you'll figure it out"

"at least give me a clue"


"why not!?"

"because i know that you'll be able to figure it out on your own"

"you're seriously doing this? the mysterious guy thing"

"well, i wasn't intending to but i guess i am"

"you know, girls don't actually find that attractive. it gets to the point where it just annoying and not all of us are going to wait for the guy"


"can i ask you something?"

"ask away."

"how are you the misunderstood?"

"what are you known for?"

"don't dodge the question."

"i'm not. now tell me, what are you known for?"

"i don't know, i'm the captain of the dance and soccer team"

"you're may; captain of the dance and soccer team. hell, you're probably an honors student as well. people probably think you're the sweetest girl in the world, and it's true. people look at you and see the perfect girl. ok, you may not be the perfect girl but you still achieve a lot and it's not like you're not happy, right?"

"I don't know what you're--"

"my point is, i'm known for something that i'm not very proud of. i'm a jock. a popular jock in fact. people look at me and see a guy who is only good for filling up the trophy cases in the school hallways and isn't good at anything other than a being jock. they think i'm self centered, arrogant, rude, and even dumb. little do they know, i'm not dumb-- i get decent grades-- i'm not arrogant-- i probably have more insecurities than a lot of people and most of the time feel like i'm at the bottom"

"what are you trying to say?"

"whatever you think i'm saying"

"all i got from that was that you're popular and because of that, people see you as nothing more. you're misunderstood because no one actually likes you for you."

"and when i act anything like myself they look at me like i've gone insane"

"no one understands that jocks can be more than what they are on the field"

"they're human."



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