meeting #1

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it was a typical day at the big mugs coffee bar. orders. more orders. obnoxious child's order. obnoxious preteen's order.

and maybe spice it up with a sweet elderly's order.

may was tired. she'd been up since seven in the morning to get to her shift on time and she didn't get much sleep that night either.

all because of trevor. he was all may could think about lately.

phone calls. trevor.

happy couples. trevor.

lacrosse games. trevor.

he had hurt may and what he did was unforgivable, yet may has been resisting the urge to call him and tell him how she feels.

she really did like rick, but when trevor started calling her, that's when her relationship went downhill.

i guess he was the eye opener i needed may thought.

her shift ends in half an hour and she's never been more relieved. she was too tired to bare staying awake any longer. she needed sleep and alone time.

"next customer!" she shouted just as she finished the person's order, "welcome to big mugs, what would you like today?"

"a medium caramel reese twist" a masculine voice said. his voice was familiar. a part of may felt like she knew him.

she looks up from the screen of the cash register and looks at the customer, standing in front of her was the infamous t.j marks. he is the captain of the lacrosse team at burnsley acton High. he's also rick's mortal enemy.

now that she thought about it, rick had at least one enemy in the same room wherever he went.

just as she's about to write down t.j on the cup, she still asks for his name because it was protocol.


"trevor. trevor harvelle"

she looks up from the cup and stares at him with wide eyes. she felt like she was rooted in her spot and as hard as she tried to say something, to tell him everything she's been wanting to tell him the past two weeks, she couldn't do it.

calm down may, take his order and move on to the next customer may thought

"u-uh, that would be three dollars and twenty cents"

he handed her the money silently and she quickly gathers his change before giving it to him, avoiding his deep glance as she shouts, "next customer!"

"i'll be here until the end of your shift" he said, "we need to talk"

"okay" she mutters


"so you're trevor--or should i say t.j"

"my full name is trevor james marks. i just go by t.j for short. i never really liked it when people called me trevor.. well, until i started talking to you"

"and where'd you get harvelle from?"

"jo harvelle. character from supernatural"


"look, i really wanted to apologize. what i did was terrible. i'm sorry for not listening to you, for not answering your calls, for not giving you a chance, for blowing you off-- for being a class A dick..."

"you weren't. you were more of a class B dick"

he chuckles, "damn. i gotta up my game"

"well, a class A dick wouldn't have apologized and revealed his identity just to get their friend back"

"you're more than a friend to me" he says, looking intensely into her beautiful brown eyes and grasps her hand in his, "are we cool?"



"you're not getting away with it that easily. you hurt me, and i really like you, possibly even--" she sighs, "i think you have to do more than just show up at my workplace and reveal your identity"

"what else can i do?"

"we'll just have to see what tricks you've got up your sleeve"

she gets up from her side of the booth and walks straight out of the cafe, leaving him alone, speechless.

what the hell can i do? he thought

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