call #14

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"slutty may! how may i be at your service?"


"oh, it's you."

"how are you?"

"i'm just peachy. how about you?"

"i'm fine. i'm worried about you. i heard about everything that's been happening"

"oh. that. well, it's just rick being a dick-- ha, that rhymed"

"may, i'm not joking right-- wait, are you drunk?"

"what!? noooo!" she slurred

"seriously may? you actually went to the party that weston threw?"

"why not? free booze. i get to forget everything that's happened. i live happily ever after" she giggled

"you trust me, right?"

"not really."

"why not?"

"because if you didn't convince me to break up with rick, i wouldn't have the whole entire school against me, i wouldn't have my teammates on the soccer and dance team resent me and i'd still be peppy little may. not sad little may"

he sighed, "may, you're drunk"

"drunken words are sober thoughts"

he sighed again, "well, right now you're going to listen to me and go find your friend riley and ask her to take you home--"


"may, you need to get home before you get--"

"i don't want to go home!"

"fine. then go find riley and give her the phone. i want to talk to her"

"okaaayyy" she giggled

after a few moments, the loud thumping music fades, "hello?" a different voice says

"riley, right?"

"yeah... who is this?"

"this is trevor. the guy may has been talking to"

"oh, you. i've heard good things about you from may"

"apparently it was all a ploy to ruin my social life!" she shouted into the phone, followed by a fit of giggles

"and i've heard some bad..." riley muttered, "why do you need to talk to me?"

"i need you to take may home and make sure she drinks lots of water"

"i've been trying to get her to go home for the past hour, she's not listening"

"then trick her"

"and how am i going to do that?"

"she really likes taco bell, right? tell her you're taking her to get some burritos and i'm sure she's not sober enough to figure out it's a trick until you show up at her house"

"and what if she runs?"

"you're the track and field star, i'm sure you'll catch her"

"how do you know that? may's right, you sure are a stalker-ish figure. a sweet stalker, but still a stalker none the less"

"trust me, you know me. you just don't know it yet"


"i know, i know. it makes no sense. i don't have time for this! just make sure may gets home safe"

"okay, i will"

"and text me when she's home"

"got it"

"bye riley"

"talk to you soon, trevor"


a/n: i have so many ideas that are all mixed up in my messy mind. help.

qotd: celebrity crush?

↑ me @ drama ↑

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