call #24

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"may! i've been trying to reach you for the past two weeks! i'm so--"

"nope. guess again"

"riley? why are you answering may's phone?"

"she left it here last night. it started ringing and i saw that the contact name was just endless middle finger emoticons. i got curious"

"damn it. i've been trying to reach may forever now. i miss her so much. she has no idea how sorry i am. these past two weeks have been hell for me."

"well it's been hell for her too. you left when everyone was against her. she felt like she had no one. kind of insulting to me, but that's besides the point. she has every right to be pissed at you"

"i don't know what to do"

"it's ironic that she doesn't actually know what you look like, or even if your name is real"

"it technically is. i just go by something else"

"she'd really like to meet you"

"i want to see her too. i just don't know how i am going to if she isn't even answering my calls"

"you didn't hear it from me, but may has a shift at the local coffee place. order a caramel reese twist."

"why a caramel reese twist?"

"because you'll have to give me a thank you gift later"

he chuckles, "thanks riley, i owe you"

"just don't screw up. or mess with may's heart ever again. because i will murder you"

"bye riley, thanks again"



this is probably my favorite chapter

qotd: would you read a spin off about riley??

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qotd: would you read a spin off about riley??

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