call #12

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"hey trevor"

"you're calling me first" he gasped, "it's a miracle"

"it must be refreshing to receive calls than having to call the person first all the time"

"ouch" he hissed, making her giggle

"so how was your day?"

"pretty good. i just put my niece to bed"

"that's sweet" she whispered

"are you okay? you seem... gloomy"

"i'm fine" she sniffled

"no you're not"

"and how would you know that?"

"because the last time we talked was 2 hours ago and you didn't have the sniffles or sound like you had a stuffy nose"

"i couldn't went outside"

"well considering there's like no wind outside and it's a freaking sauna in there, i doubt you got the cold from that"

she sighed defeatedly, "rick and i got into a fight"

"what did you fight about?"

"rick is just really possessive. one guy looks at me the wrong way and he'll attack and become all alpha-male on his ass. i understand that he's protective and i'm his girlfriend. in fact, i thought it was kind of sweet in the beginning of the relationship that he was trying to be protective and stuff but as our relationship progressed, he became more possessive and controlling. today we were picking up the pizza we ordered and i ran into a friend from my mom's hometown. rick ended up beating him"

"i don't know what to say"

"i don't know if i can handle rick being like this all the time"

"if you're not happy, you should leave him"

"who knows what he'll--"

"forget about him. think about what would happen if you stay together. you guys could end up being together throughout college and after, and then soon you'll be married with 5 children in your mansion that you paid for"

"that's a bit exaggerated"

"but you get the point"

"yeah.. i get it"

"now, if you're happy, just talk to him and if he's really a good guy, he'll back down a bit"

"i'm going to break up with him the next time i see him"

"good for you"

"thanks, by the way"

"for what?"

"for listening to me, for giving me amazing advice, for understanding for-- for being you"



  me @ trevor ALL DAY

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  me @ trevor ALL DAY. EVERY DAY. (but mainly in this chapter :3)  

ok. i'm just going to rant right now because lately i've been writing lots of stories that i am proud of and have so much meaning but i haven't been publishing them because i'm so worried about what readers want that i can't even publish stories that i like. or i publish them and then i take them down because it isn't getting any support or anything.

my point is, i want to be able to write for myself. not for the readers. but it's so hard to do that when i'm so worried about the kind of feedback i get. i want to be able to write and get feedback from readers and other authors but it's hard. it's hard to get your work noticed.

now, i'm not telling you guys this because i want my books to get more attention or i want to guilt you guys or anything into reading my books. i'm telling you guys this because i know other people are worried about what others think. they're worried about the kind of feedback they get. but you shouldn't have to worry about how many reads, votes, or comments you get on a book, or even how many likes you get on an instagram picture. you shouldn't have to worry about others think if it makes you happy.

and lately, i haven't been sharing the content that i write because i'm afraid of the kind of feedback i will get or that it will get no feedback at all! i'm tired of living like that.

for those who actually read this, thank you for reading my messy thoughts :)

for those who actually read this, thank you for reading my messy thoughts :)

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