meeting #2

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may was more excited than she should've been. she not only liked the idea of seeing trevor for the second time but she wanted to know what his surprise was.

she runs down the steps of the school and looks both ways frantically in her attempt to look for trevor.

once she realizes that he isn't there yet, she drops her shoulders slightly and pouts.


she spins around, her heart beating rapidly from shock, "don't sneak up on me like that!" she hissed

"sorry" he chuckled

he stood in front of her with a bunch of balloons in one hand and a teddy bear in the other.

"so this is your surprise" she says, gesturing towards the gifts

"i come baring gifts!" he said in his best santa voice

"you're ridiculous"

"may, please forgive me for my stupid actions" he said loudly, his voice intense yet amused

"you're halfway there" she said with with a devilish smile

"seriously!? i got you a teddy bear and balloons. not just any balloons, helium balloons, and mirror balloons and even a freak teddy bear balloon!"

"this was sweet, i really do appreciate it, but i want more than just gifts"

"are you telling me you want me to sacrifice myself?"

she laughs before pushing him slightly, "no! you know what i want, you just don't know it yet"

"that makes no sense"

"it's only fair! that's what you did when we first met!"

"you're insane"

"insanely awesome"

he rolls his eyes before shrugging.

"i'll see you soon" she says before grabbing the teddy bear and balloons from his grasp and walking towards her car


a/n: MAY AND TREVOR ARE SCUTE. I LOVE IT. but at the same time i'm questioning if they're too cheesy and i just can't see it.

qotd: what is your favorite color?

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