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"trevor! where the hell are you? my parents are in the living room waiting for you to hurry your ass up! trev- I know we've been together for seven years but seriously, you can't show up late to this stuff! especially when we're announcing-- just get home quick!"

"i'm sorry! i got caught up at work! there was a mishap at practice today"

"you can explain it to me tonight, but right now the only thing you have to worry about is getting home. now!"

"okay, okay, i'll be home in five minutes."

"you better be."


when trevor finally gets home, may lets out a sigh of relief.

she hated keeping the news from her parents. she was itching to tell them but trevor wanted to tell them together.

"sorry i'm late" he sighed, "there was an accident at practice today-- it's a long story. anyways, I'm glad you two are here today, because may and i have some news."

both may and trevor take a seat across from her parents, preparing to tell them the exciting news.

"are you pregnant?" may's mother asked excitedly, "oh my goodness! I can't believe i'm going to have grandchildren!"

May's eyes widen and her cheeks flush in embarrassment, "No! That's not going to happen any time soon."

"then what's the news?" may's father asked, his curiosity getting the best of him

may shows her parents her left hand (which she's been trying to hide all day), revealing the beautiful diamond of her ring finger.

"Oh my god!" may's mother gasped, a smile on her face immediately as her eyes start to water. even her father looked excited, despite the fact that he's still protective of may like she's still a little girl.

"he proposed last night," may says, a smile on both her and trevor's face.

after six years together, trevor finally worked up the courage to propose.

he wanted to spend the rest of his life with may. she was the love of his life and he knew that may would be the perfect partner for the rest of his life.

he was so nervous about proposing that he was shaking and could barely get out the words to propose. but once may realized he was on one knee and about to take out a ring, she didn't even let him finish his speech before she wrapped her arms around trevor and kissed him with so much passion and love.

she was crying tears of joy and it was probably the best moment of his life. to watch may slip the ring onto her finger, to watch her smile bigger than ever, and to watch her scramble to find her phone so she could tell riley the news.

he was so in love with may that it consumed him. it changed him as a person, and she managed to repair all the damage that is trevor james marks.

as the misunderstood, may was the only one who understood him.

and he's never been more thankful that he called may that day.


a/n: EPILOGUES ARE SO FUCKING HARD TO WRITE OMG. i had soooo much trouble writing this but i finally did it and even though it's absolute shit, i'm still pretty happy with the way it ended :) i will probably write 3 bonus chapters which will come out within the next month or two XD

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